Les mercredis à 11 h 30 (heure de Montréal), nous tenons un séminaire d'une heure portant sur un sujet du traitement des langues ou de linguistique. Il est typiquement offert en mode hybride (présentiel & vidéoconférence). Une fois par mois, le séminaire est organisé par le groupe de recherche français Linguistique Informatique, Formelle et de Terrain.
FrameNet and metaphors
Carlos Subirats (carlos (point) subirats <at> gmail (point) com)
Autonomous University of Barcelona
Wednesday 15 October 2014 at 11:30 AM
Salle C-9019, Pavillon Lionel-Groulx
Frame semantics is based on the idea that the meanings of lexical units are constructed in relation to background knowledge and that this knowledge can be analyzed in terms of frames, i.e. schematic representations of situations emerging from everyday experiences (Fillmore 1982, 1985; Fillmore & Baker 2010). Frame semantics has been applied to study words and grammatical constructions, but its application can also be extended to explain metaphors. Conceptual metaphor theory (Lakoff & Johnson 1980, 1999) is based on the idea that metaphors arise from a set of systematic mappings between an experientially based source domain and a less experientially accessible metaphorical domain. In this talk, I will try to show that the detailed frame-semantic examination of FrameNet enables an analysis of metaphors as a relationship between two semantic frames, which include mappings between the core frame elements of each frame involved.
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