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Rousseau, D., B. Moulin, and G. Lapalme, "Believable Agents in Conversations", AAAI Spring Symposium on Believable Agents, Stanford University, California, mar, 1994.
Zock, M., G. Lapalme, and L-J. Fang, "Become Fluent in a Foreign Language by Using an Improved Technological Version of an Outdated Method", Journal of Cognitive Science, vol. 16, issue 2, Seoul National University, Institute for Cognitive Science, pp. 151-173, 06/2015. pdf
Lapalme, G., and G. Sérasset, "Batch creation of Papillon Entries from DiCo", Proceedings of the Papillon 2003 Workshop on Multilingual Lexical Databases, Sapporo, pp. 10 pages, jul, 2003. pdf
Lapalme, G., "Bancs d'essai d'interprètes Prolog", Canadian Artificial Intelligence Newsletter, aug, 1985.
Lapalme, G., "Bancs d'essai d'interprètes Prolog", Canadian Artificial Intelligence Newsletter, mar, 1985.
Gotti, F., A. Farzindar, G. Lapalme, and E. Macklovitch, "Automatic Translation of Court Judgments", AMTA'2008 The Eighth Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, Waikiki, Hawai'i, pp. pp 1-10, oct, 2008. pdf
Chieze, E., A. Farzindar, and G. Lapalme, "An Automatic System for Summarization and Information Extraction of Legal Information", accepté à Semantic Processing of Legal Texts: Springer, pp. 1-20, 2009. pdf
Chieze, E., A. Farzindar, and G. Lapalme, "An Automatic System for Summarization and Information Extraction of Legal Information", Semantic Processing of Legal Texts: Where the Language of Law Meets the Law of Language, vol. 6036: Springer, pp. 216-234, jun, 2010. pdf
Chieze, E., A. Farzindar, and G. Lapalme, "Automatic Summarization and Information Extraction from Canadian Immigration Decisions", Proceedings of the Semantic Processing of Legal Texts Workshop: LREC 2008, pp. 51-57, may, 2008. pdf
Potvin, J. - Y., G. Lapalme, and J. - M. Rousseau, "Automatic Selection and Design of Efficient Vehicle Routing Algorithms", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Tullahoma, pp. 523-527, jun, 1989.
Russell, G., and G. Lapalme, Automatic Identification of Language and Encoding, , jan, 2005. pdf
Fraczak, L., G. Lapalme, and M. Zock, "Automatic generation of subway directions: salience gradation as a factor in determining message and form", Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Language Generation, Niagara-on-the-Lake, pp. 58–67, aug, 1998. pdf
Fasciano, M., and G. Lapalme, "Automatic generation of statistical graphics", Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimodal Communication CMC/95, Eidhoven, The Netherlands, DENK-Samenwerkings Orgaan Brabantse Universiteiten, pp. 303–305 (poster), may, 1995. pdf
Hadouche, F., G. Lapalme, and M-C. L'Homme, "Attribution de rôles sémantiques aux actants des lexies verbales,", TALN-2011, vol. 2, Montpellier, ATALA, pp. 149-154, 06/2011. pdf
Chapleau, S., and G. Lapalme, "Athena: un programme champion de SCRABBLE duplicate", Technique et Science Informatiques, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 249-256, jul, 1983.
Chapleau, S., and G. Lapalme, Athena: a Program for Playing Championship Level Scrabble, , no. 464: Département d'informatique et de recherche opérationnelle, Université de Montréal, jan, 1983.
Vaudry, P-L., and G. Lapalme, "Assembling Narratives with Associative Threads", Proceedings of the INLG 2016 Workshop on Computational Creativity in Natural Language Generation, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2016. pdf
Lapalme, G., F. Major, R. Cedergren, and D. Gautheret, Artificial Intelligence and Molecular Graphics: Promises and Reality, , Université de Montréal, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, 1989.
Lapalme, G., "Arrays in Haskell", Arrays, Functional Languages, and Parallel Systems: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 125–131, 1991.
Boufaden, N., Y. Bengio, and G. Lapalme, "Approche statistique pour le repérage de mots informatifs à partir de textes oraux", Traitement Automatique de la Langue (TALN 2004), pp. 71-80, apr, 2004. pdf
Langlais, P., T. Leplus, G. Lapalme, and S. Gandrabur, "Approche en corpus pour la traduction: le cas METEO", TALN05 (Poster), vol. 1, Dourdan, France, pp. 463-474, jun, 2005. pdf
Boufaden, N., G. Lapalme, and Y. Bengio, "Approche d'extraction d'information pour les dialogues transcrits", Actes du 5ième Colloque International sur le Document Electronique, pp. 69-82, oct, 2002. pdf
Boufaden, N., and G. Lapalme, "Apprentissage de relations prédicat-argument pour l'extraction d'information à partir de textes conversationnels", TAL 2005 (Poster), vol. 1, Dourdan, France, pp. 397-402, jun, 2005. pdf
Lapalme, G., "Apport Des Systèmes Experts En Terminologie", Actes du sixième colloque OLF-STQ de terminologie, L'ère nouvelle de la terminologie, Montréal, pp. 217-230, nov, 1985.
Lamontagne, L., and G. Lapalme, "Applying Case-Based Reasoning to Email Response", International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-03), Angers, France, pp. 115-123, 2003. pdf
