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Gao, J., and J-Y. Nie, "A Study of Statistical Models for Query Translation: Finding a Good Unit of Translation", ACM-SIGIR, pp. 194-201, 2006.
Gao, J., J-Y. Nie, J. Zhang, M. Zhou, and Y. Su, "TREC-9 CLIR Experiments at MSRCN", NIST Special Publication, 2001. pdf
Gao, J., J-Y. Nie, and M. Zhou, Statistical Query Translation Models for Cross-language Information Retrieval, , vol. 5, New York, NY, USA, ACM, pp. 323–359, 2006.
Gao, J., and J-Y. Nie, "Statistical query translation models for cross-language information retrieval", ACM Transactions on Asian Language Processing (TALIP), vol. (to appear), 2007. pdf
Gao, J., W. Yuan, X. Li, K. Deng, and J-Y. Nie, "Smoothing clickthrough data for web search ranking", Proceedings of the 32nd international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval: ACM, pp. 355–362, 2009.
Gao, J., J-Y. Nie, E. Xun, J. Zhang, M. Zhou, and C. Huang, "Improving Query Translation for CLIR using Statistical Models", 24New Orleans, pp. 96-104, 2001. postscript
Gao, J., G. Cao, H. He, M. Zhang, J-Y. Nie, S. Walker, and S. Robertson, "TREC-10 Web track experiments at MSRA", TREC-10, NIST Special Publication, pp. 500-250, 2002. pdf
Gao, W., C. Niu, J-Y. Nie, M. Zhou, J. Hu, K-F. Wong, and H-W. Hon, "Cross-lingual query suggestion using query logs of different languages", Proceedings of the 30th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval: ACM, 2007. pdf
Gao, J., J-Y. Nie, G. Wu, and G. Cao, "Dependence language model for information retrieval", 27th ACM-SIGIR, Sheffield, pp. 170-177, jul, 2004.
Gandrabur, S., G. Foster, and G. Lapalme, "Confidence Estimation for NLP Applications", Transactions on Speech and Language Processing, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 1-29, oct, 2006. pdf
Gandrabur, S., and G. Foster, "Confidence Estimation for Text Prediction", Proceedings of the Conference on Natural Language Learning (CoNLL 2003), Edmonton, pp. 315-321, may, 2003. pdf
Gal, A., G. Lapalme, P. St-Dizier, and H. Somers, Prolog for Natural Language Processing, : Wiley, 1991.
Gal, A., G. Lapalme, and P. St-Dizier, Prolog pour l'analyse automatique de la langue naturelle, : Eyrolles, pp. 168, 1988.
Gagnon, M., and G. Lapalme, "Prétexte: a Generator for the Expression of Temporal Information", Trends in Natural Language Generation, An Artificial Intelligence Perspective, no. 1036: Springer-Verlag, pp. 238–259, 1996. pdf
Gagnon, M., and G. Lapalme, "Génération de texte: exemple de la production d'un rapport", Colloque International ICO'91, Montréal, pp. 215-221, may, 1991.
Gagnon, M., Expression de la localisation temporelle dans un générateur de texte, : Université de Montréal, 1993. pdfx-gtar
Gagnon, M., and G. Lapalme, "Un générateur de texte exprimant des concepts temporels", ``Technique et Science Informatiques'', vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 25 – 44, 1992. pdf
Gagnon, M., and G. Lapalme, Prétexte: a generator for the expression of temporal information, : G. Adorni et M. Zock editors, Trends in Natural Language Generation, An Artificial Intelligence Perspective, numéro 1036 dans Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 1993. pdf
Gagnon, M., and G. Lapalme, "From Conceptual Time to Linguistic Time", Computational Linguistics, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 91–127, mar, 1996. pdf
Gagnon, M., and G. Lapalme, "A Text Generator for the Expression of Temporal Expressions", Third European Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Innsbruck, Austria, pp. 81-88, mar, 1991.
Fraczak, L., A dynamic model of route description, , 1999. pdf
Fraczak, L., G. Lapalme, and M. Zock, "Variation du contenu et de la forme dans la description d'itinéraires en métro", TALN-98, pp. 10, jun, 1998. pdf
Fraczak, L., G. Lapalme, and M. Zock, "Automatic generation of subway directions: salience gradation as a factor in determining message and form", Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Language Generation, Niagara-on-the-Lake, pp. 58–67, aug, 1998. pdf
Fraczak, L., and G. Lapalme, "Utilisation de stratégies cognitives dans la génération automatique de descriptions d'itinéraires", TALN'99, Cargese, pp. 10 pages, jul, 1999. pdf
Foster, G., "Incorporating Position Information into a Maximum Entropy/Minimum Divergence Translation Model", CoNLL, Lisbon, Portugal, 2000. postscript
