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"A multilingual approach to multilingual information retrieval",
dvances in Cross-Language Information Retrieval, Third Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2002, Rome, pp. 101-110, sep, 2002.
"Towards a Unified Approach to CLIR and Multilingual IR, Workshop on Cross-Language Information Retrieval",
A Research Roadmap, 25th ACM-SIGIR, Tampere, Finland, aug, 2002.

"Integrating Logical Operators in Query Expansion in VSM",
Workshop on Mathematical/Formal Methods in Information Retrieval, 25th ACM-SIGIR, Tampere, Finland, aug, 2002.

"Combining Words and Compound Terms for Monolingual and Cross-Language Information Retrieval",
Information 2002, Beijing, jul, 2002.

Exploiting the Web as Parallel Corpora for Cross-Language,
: eds. N. Zhong, J. Liu, Y. Yao, Spring, pp. 218-239, 2002.
"Using statistical translation models for bilingual IR, Evaluation of Cross-Language Information Retrieval Systems",
CLEF 2001, LNCS 2406, pp. 137-150, 2002.

"Constructing Small Language Models from Grammars",
Proceedings of International Conference on Spoken Language Processing 2002 (ICSLP-2002), Denver, Colorado, pp. 889-892, sep, 2002.

Le système de question-réponse QUANTUM,
, Montréal, Canada, Université de Montréal, mar, 2002.

"The QUANTUM Question Answering System at TREC-11",
Proceedings of the Eleventh Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-2002), Gaithersburg, Maryland, NIST, pp. 750-757, nov, 2002.

"QUANTUM: A Function-Based Question Answering System",
Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 15th Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence, AI 2002, Calgary, Canada, May 27-29, 2002, vol. 2338, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, pp. 281-292, 2002.

"Generating Informative and Indicative Summaries with SumUM",
Computational Linguistics, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 497-526, jan, 2002.

"Intégration de scénarios temps-réel en automates temporisés",
Actes du Colloque Francophone pour l'ingénierie des protocoles (CFIP-2002), Montréal, pp. 179-193, may, 2002.
"Heterogeneous Web data extraction using ontology",
The AI-2002 Workshop on Business Agents and the Semantic Web, Calgary, may, 2002.

"Query Clustering Using User Logs",
ACM Transactions on Information Systems,20 (1), pp. 59-81, 2002.

Génération de texte dans le cadre d'un système de réponse automatique à des courriels,
, Montréal, Canada, mar, 2001.

"Topic Segmentation: a first stage to Dialog-Based Information Extraction",
Proceedings of the 6th Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium, NLPRS'01, Tokyo, pp. 273-280, nov, 2001.

"RELIEFS: Un système pour le filtrage adaptatif de documents textuels basé sur la notion de résonance",
Inforsid, pp. 267-278, may, 2001.

Proceedings of The International Workshop on Logic and Uncertainty Models for Information Systems (LUMIS'01), Munich, Germany,
: In: Proceeding of DEXA 2001 Workshops. IEEE, Washington, USA, sep, 2001.
"Détection Multi-échelle d'Objets dans des Images de Documents Composites",
International Conference on Image and Signal Processing, Agadir (Morocco), may, 2001.

"TREC-9 CLIR Experiments at MSRCN",
NIST Special Publication, 2001.

"Improving Query Translation for CLIR using Statistical Models",
24New Orleans, pp. 96-104, 2001.

"Critères de sélection d'une approche pour le suivi automatique du courriel",
Actes de la 8e conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2001), Tours, France, pp. 357-371, jul, 2001.

"Using Information Extraction and Natural Language Generation to Answer E-mail",
Data & Knowledge Engineering Journal, vol. 38, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas, Elsevier, pp. 85-100, 2001.

"Extraction de noms propres à partir de textes variés: problématique et enjeux",
Actes de la 8e conférence annuelle sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2001), Tours, France, pp. 356-363, jul, 2001.

"Using Information Extraction and Natural Language Generation to Answer E-mail",
Natural Language Processing and Information Systems, no. 1959, Berlin, Allemagne, Springer-Verlag, pp. 152-163, 2001.