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"Finding Out: A System For Providing Rapid And Reliable Answers To Questions In The Construction Sector",
Journal of Construction Innovation, vol. Sous presse, 2005.
Automatic Identification of Language and Encoding,
, jan, 2005.

"Studying the Human Translation Process Through the TransSearch Log-Files",
AAAI Symposium on Knowledge Collection from volunteer contributors, Stanford, mar, 2005.

"Une approche à la traduction automatique statistique par segments discontinus",
12e Conference sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN), Dourdan, France, pp. 233-242, jan, 2005.

"A latent semantic classification model",
ACM-CIKM, 2005.
"Word Pairs in Language Modeling for Information Retrieval",
7th Conference on Computer Assisted Information Retrieval (RIAO), Avignon, France, pp. 26-28, apr, 2004.
"Mots composés dans les modèles de langue pour la recherche d'information",
11e édition de la conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN), pp. 11-16, apr, 2004.
"Web-supported Matching and Classification of Business Opportunities",
Second International Workshop on Web-based Support Systems (WSS), Beijing, pp. 28-36, sep, 2004.

"Using language models for text classification",
Asia Information Retrieval Symposium, Poster Session, Beijing, oct, 2004.

"Identification de questions pour traiter les courriels par une méthode question-réponse",
Le poids de mots: Actes des 7es Journées internationales d'Analyse statistique des Données Textuelles, Bruxelles, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, pp. 128-135, mar, 2004.

Confidence Estimation for Machine Translation,
, Baltimore, Final report JHU / CLSP 2003 Summer Workshop, 2004.
"Confidence Estimation for Machine Translation",
CoLing, Genève, pp. 853-856, aug, 2004.

"Extended Semantic Tagging for Entity Extraction",
Beyond Named Entity Recognition Semantic labeling for NLP tasks Workshop held Jointly with LREC 2004, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 49-54, may, 2004.

"Approche statistique pour le repérage de mots informatifs à partir de textes oraux",
Traitement Automatique de la Langue (TALN 2004), pp. 71-80, apr, 2004.

"Repérage de mots informatifs dans les textes conversationnels",
Traitement automatique des langues, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 11-34, 2004.

Modèles de langue pour la recherche d'informations, dans Les systèmes de recherche d'informations,
: ed. M. Ihadjadene, Hermes, pp. 163-184, 2004.
"Relevance as resonance: a new theoretical perspective and a practical utilization in information filtering",
Information Processing and Management, vol. 40(1), pp. 1-19, 2004.
"Lakhas, an Arabic summarization system",
Proceedings of DUC'04, Boston, NIST, pp. 128-135, may, 2004.

Résumé automatique de texte arabe,
: Université de Montréal, nov, 2004.

"TransType2 - An Innovative Computer-Assisted Translation System",
The Companion Volume to the Proceedings of 42st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Barcelona, Spain, Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 94–97, jul, 2004.

"Résumé de textes juridiques par identification de leur structure thématique",
Traitement automatique de la langue (TAL), vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 39-64, jan, 2004.

"Développement d'un système de résumé automatique de textes juridiques",
TALN-RECITAL'2004, Fès, Maroc, pp. p. 39-44, apr, 2004.

"The use of thematic structure and concept indentification for legal text summarization",
Computational Linguistics in the North-East (CLiNE 2004), Montréal, Québec, Canada, pp. 67-71, aug, 2004.

"LetSum, an automatic Legal Text Summarizing system",
Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, Jurix 2004: the Sevententh Annual Conference, Berlin, IOS Press, pp. 11-18, dec, 2004.

"LetSum, a Text Summarization system in Law field",
THE FACE OF TEXT conference (Computer Assisted Text Analysis in the Humanities), McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, pp. 27-36, nov, 2004.