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Paradis, F., J-Y. Nie, and A. Tajarobi, "Discovery of business opportunities on the Internet with information extraction", Workshop on Multi-Agent Information Retrieval and Recommender Systems, IJCAI, Edinburgh, pp. 47-54, jul, 2005. pdf
Paradis, F., and J-Y. Nie, "Filtering Contents with Bigrams and Named Entities to Improve Text Classification", Asian Information Retrieval Symposium (AIRS), Jeju Island, Korea, oct, 2005. pdf
Paradis, F., and J-Y. Nie, "Filtering Contents with Bigrams and Named Entities to Improve Text Classification", Information Processing and Management, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 344-352, 2007. pdf
Paradis, F., Q. Ma, J-Y. Nie, S. Vaucher, J-F. Garneau, R. Gérin-Lajoie, and A. Tajarobi, "MBOI : Un outil pour la veille d'opportunités sur l'Internet", Colloque sur la Veille Strategique Scientifique et Technologique, Toulouse, France, oct, 2004. pdf
Patry, A., F. Gotti, and P. Langlais, "MOOD: A Modular Object-Oriented Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation", 5th LREC, Genoa, Italy, pp. 709–714, May, 2006. pdf
Patry, A., and P. Langlais, "Corpus-Based Terminology Extraction", 7th International Conference on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering, Copenhagen, Danemark, pp. 313–321, jan, 2005. pdf
Patry, A., and P. Langlais, "Paradocs: un système d'identification automatique de documents parallèles", 12e Conference sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN), Dourdan, France, pp. 223-232, jan, 2005. pdf
Patry, A., and P. Langlais, "Automatic Identification of Parallel Documents with light or without Linguistic Resources", 18th Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Victoria, British-Columbia, Canada, pp. 354-365, jan, 2005. pdf
Petitpierre, D., and G. Russell, MMORPH - The Multext Morphology Program, , no. 2.3.1, 1994.
Picard, F., D. Boucher, and G. Lapalme, "Constructing Small Language Models from Grammars", Proceedings of International Conference on Spoken Language Processing 2002 (ICSLP-2002), Denver, Colorado, pp. 889-892, sep, 2002. pdf
Piedboeuf, F., Détecter la personnalité sur les réseaux sociaux, : DIRE, 2020.
Piedboeuf, F., P. Langlais, and L. Bourg, "Personality Extraction Through LinkedIn", Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2019. pdf
Piedboeuf, F., and P. Langlais, "Effective Data Augmentation for Sentence Classification using one VAE per Class", COLING, 2022. pdf
Plamondon, L., G. Lapalme, and F. Pelletier, "Anonymisation de décisions de justice. ", XIe Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2004). , Fès, Maroc, Bernard Bel et Isabelle Martin. (éditeurs), pp. 367-376, may, 2004. pdf
Plamondon, L., and L. Kosseim, "QUANTUM: A Function-Based Question Answering System", Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 15th Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence, AI 2002, Calgary, Canada, May 27-29, 2002, vol. 2338, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, pp. 281-292, 2002. pdf
Plamondon, L., G. Lapalme, and F. Pelletier, "L'assistant d'anonymisation NOME", Journées Internet pour le Droit, Paris, pp. 14 pages, nov, 2004. pdf
Plamondon, L., and G. Foster, "Multilinguisme et question-réponse: adaptation d'un système monolingue", Actes de la Dixième Conférence Nationale sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2003), vol. 2, Batz-sur-Mer, France, pp. 107-116, jul, 2003. pdf
Plamondon, L., L. Kosseim, and G. Lapalme, "The QUANTUM Question Answering System", Proceedings of The Tenth Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-X), Gaithersburg, Maryland, NIST, pp. 157-165, nov, 2001. pdf
Plamondon, L., and G. Foster, "Quantum, a Cross-language Question Answering System", Comparative Evaluation of Multilingual Information Access Systems, 4th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2003, vol. 3237, Trondheim, Norvège, Springer, pp. 549-558, sep, 2004. pdf
Plamondon, L., L. Kosseim, and G. Lapalme, "The QUANTUM Question Answering System at TREC-11", Proceedings of the Eleventh Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-2002), Gaithersburg, Maryland, NIST, pp. 750-757, nov, 2002. pdf
Plamondon, L., Le système de question-réponse QUANTUM, , Montréal, Canada, Université de Montréal, mar, 2002. pdf
Plamondon, L., L'ingénierie de la langue avec GATE, , 2004. pdf
Plamondon, L., and L. Kosseim, "Le Web et la question-réponse : transformer une question en réponse", Journées francophones de la toile (JFT 2003), Tours, France, pp. 225-234, jul, 2003. pdf
Poibeau, T., and L. Kosseim, "Proper Name Extraction from Non-Journalistic Texts", Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands. Selected Papers from the Eleventh CLIN Meeting, Amsterdam/New York, pp. 144-157, 2001. pdf
Potvin, J. - Y., G. Lapalme, and J. - M. Rousseau, "Application of Object-Oriented Programming for Modeling and Solving Vehicle Routing Problems", TOOLS'89, Paris, pp. 325-355, nov, 1989.
