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El Iraki, A., and G. Lapalme, Etudes des dispositifs de communication et des modes de dialogue et leur utilisation dans les systèmes interactifs, : 3ième Salon National de l'Informatique, Casablanca, Maroc, oct, 1987.
Macklovitch, E., "Evaluating Commercial MT Systems", Proceedings of ISSCO Evaluators' Forum, Les Rasses, Suisse, 1991. postscript
Langlais, P., S. Sauvé, G. Foster, E. Macklovitch, and G. Lapalme, "Evaluating TransType: A comparison of theoretical and user-oriented evaluation procedures of a new type of interactive MT", Second International Conference On Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), vol. 2, Athens, Greece, pp. 641-648, jun, 2000.
Vasilescu, F., P. Langlais, and G. Lapalme, "Evaluating Variants of the Lesk Approach for Disambiguating Words", Proceedings of LREC 2004, Lisbonne, pp. 633-636, may, 2004. pdf
Farzindar, A., H. Saggion, and G. Lapalme, "Évaluation à DUC2002 d'une adaptation de SumUM, un système de résumé automatique", Le résumé de texte automatique : solutions et perspectives: Association pour le Traitement Automatique des LAngues (ATALA), dec, 2002. pdf
Lavenus, K., and G. Lapalme, "Evaluation des systèmes de question réponse. Aspects méthodologiques", Traitement automatique des langues, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 181-208, jan, 2002. pdf
Di Buccio, E., M. Melucci, and J-Y. Nie, "Evaluation of a Methodology for Modeling Term Relationship through Geometry: Experiments at TREC 2010 Relevance Feedback Track.", TREC: Citeseer, 2010.
Véronis, J., and P. Langlais, "Evaluation of parallel text alignment systems: The ARCADE project", Parallel Text Processing, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Text, Speech and Language Technology Series, pp. 369-388, 2000. pdf
Zhao, S., T. Liu, S. Zhao, Y. Chen, and J-Y. Nie, "Event causality extraction based on connectives analysis", Neurocomputing, vol. 173: Elsevier, pp. 1943–1950, 2016.
Kosseim, L., and G. Lapalme, "EXIBUM: un système expérimental d'extraction d'information bilingue", Rencontre Internationale sur l'extraction, le filtrage et le résumé automatique (RIFRA'98), Sfax, Tunisie, pp. 129–140, nov, 1998. pdf
El Iraki, A., G. Lapalme, and G. V. Bochmann, "Experience with Ada for the Design and the Implementation of Interactive Systems", Journal of Pascal, Ada and Modula-2, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 24-32, may, 1990.
Danlos, L., and G. Lapalme, "An experiment in combining two text generators", Workshop on Reference Architecture and Data Standards for NLP, AISB'99 Convention, Edinburgh, pp. 1–7, apr, 1999. pdf
Lapalme, G., and J. - F. Lamy, "An Experiment in the Use of Ada in a Course on Software Engineering", The Papers of the 17th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE Bulletin, Cincinnati, pp. 124-126, feb, 1986. pdf
Langlais, P., M. Carl, and O. Streiter, "Experimenting with Phrase-Based Statistical Translation within the IWSLT 2004 Chinese-to-English Shared Translation Task", International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), Kyoto, Japan, pp. 31-38, sep, 2004. pdf
Gao, W., C. Niu, J-Y. Nie, M. Zhou, K-F. Wong, and H-W. Hon, "Exploiting query logs for cross-lingual query suggestions", ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), vol. 28, no. 2: ACM, pp. 6, 2010.
Nie, J-Y., and J. Chen, Exploiting the Web as Parallel Corpora for Cross-Language, : eds. N. Zhong, J. Liu, Y. Yao, Spring, pp. 218-239, 2002.
Li, P., B. Wang, W. Jin, J-Y. Nie, Z. Shi, and B. He, "Exploring categorization property of social annotations for information retrieval", Proceedings of the 20th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management: ACM, pp. 557–562, 2011.
Turcotte, M., G. Lapalme, and F. Major, "Exploring the conformations of nucleic acids", Journal of Functional Programming, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 443–460, jul, 1995.
Gagnon, M., Expression de la localisation temporelle dans un générateur de texte, : Université de Montréal, 1993. pdfx-gtar
Boufaden, N., G. Lapalme, and Y. Bengio, "Extended Semantic Tagging for Entity Extraction", Beyond Named Entity Recognition Semantic labeling for NLP tasks Workshop held Jointly with LREC 2004, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 49-54, may, 2004. pdf
Coelho, E., and G. Lapalme, "Extending Ontolingua for Representing Control Knowledge", Workshop on Basic Ontological Issues in Knowledge Sharing, Montréal, IJCAI-95, pp. 10 pages, aug, 1995.
Cao, G., J. Gao, J-Y. Nie, and J. Bai, "Extending query translation to cross-language query expansion with markov chain models", Proceedings of the sixteenth ACM conference on Conference on information and knowledge management: ACM, 2007. pdf
Senteni, A., P. Sallé, and G. Lapalme, "An Extension of an Actor Language Towards Discrete Event Simulation", Proceedings ESM'89 AI & Simulation Conference, Tampa, Florida., mar, 1989.
Snoussiand, H., L. Magnin, and J-Y. Nie, "Extraction de données Web par couplage entre structures HTML avec une ontologie commune", Acte de conférence des Journées francophones d?Extraction et de Gestion des Connaissances (EGC 2003), pp. 139-142, jan, 2003.
