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"Task Knowledge in Abstractive Summarization",
RALI - internal report, pp. 10 pages, 02/2015.
"XSDGuide - Automated Generation of Web Interfaces from XML Schemas: A Case Study for Suspicious Activity Reporting",
Balisage 2015, 08/2015.
"Improving Document Exchanges in the supply Chain",
3rd Workshop on Formal Semantics for the Future Enterprise, Poznań, Poland, Springer, june, 2015.
"JSrealB: A bilingual text realizer for web programming",
European Natural Language Generation 2015 workshop (ENLG 2015), 9/2015.
"Activity of Daily Living Anomaly Report Generation from Extracted Associations",
European Conference on Natural Language Generation, Brighton, UK, sep, 2015.
"Narrative Generation from Extracted Associations",
Proceedings of the 15th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Brighton, United Kingdom, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2015.
"Causal networks as the backbone for temporal data-to-text",
First International Workshop on Data-to-Text Generation, 03/2015.
"Learn to Describe Objects the way ‘Ordinary’ People Do by Using Language Technology",
Journal of Cognitive Science , vol. 16, issue 2, pp. 174-192, 06/2015.
"Become Fluent in a Foreign Language by Using an Improved Technological Version of an Outdated Method",
Journal of Cognitive Science, vol. 16, issue 2, Seoul National University, Institute for Cognitive Science, pp. 151-173, 06/2015.
"Représentation ontologique du LVF et son utilisation en traitement automatique de la langue",
Actes des Ateliers TALN 2014 - Atelier FondamenTAL, Marseille, 06/2014.
"JSreal: A Text Realizer for Web Programming",
Language Production, Cognition, and the Lexicon - a Festschrift in honor of Michael Zock, no. Text, Speech and Language Technology, Vol 48: Springer, pp. 363-378, 2014.
"ABSUM: a Knowledge-Based Abstractive Summarizer",
RALI - internal report, pp. 34 pages, 09/2014.
"Zodiac : Insertion automatique des signes diacritiques du français",
Démonstrations de TALN2014, Marseille, 06/2014.
"Designing a Machine Translation System for Canadian Weather Warnings: a Case Study",
Natural Language Engineering, vol. 20, issue 3: Cambridge University Press, pp. 399-433, 07/2014.
Natural Language Processing on the Web,
, Montréal, Web Science and the Mind - Summer School in Cognitive Sciences 2014, 2014.
"Compte rendu de lecture de « Electronic Lexicography »",
META, vol. 59, issue 2, Montréal, Presse de l'Université de Montréal, pp. 457-459, 08/2014.
"Wordnet en XML-HTML",
Actes des Ateliers TALN 2014 - Atelier RLTLN, Marseille, 06/2014.
Rali System Description For TAC 2014 Biomedical Summerization Track,
, pp. 6 pages, 11/2014.
"FCA-Based Concept Detection in a RosettaNet PIP Ontology",
International Workshop ``What can FCA do for Artificial Intelligence?'' - FCA4AI, Beijing, China, IJCAI 2013, pp. 25-32, Aug, 2013.
"Adapting RosettaNet B2B Standard to Semantic Web technologies",
ICEIS 2013 - Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, vol. 2, Angers, France, pp. 443-450, July, 2013.
"Improving pattern matching in TransSearch",
International Innovation, Bristol, UK, Research Media Ltd., pp. 90-93, May 2013.
"Natural Language Generation and Summarization at RALI",
Proceedings of the 14th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Sofia, Bulgaria, Association for Computational Linguistics, August, 2013.
"Preference Thresholds Optimization by Interactive Variation",
26th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Regina, Canada, Springer Lecture Notes in AI-7884, 05/2013.
" How to model a customized visualization",
17th International Conference on Information Visualisation - IV 2013, London, UK, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 118-122, 07/2013.
"Adapting SimpleNLG for bilingual English-French realisation",
14th European Conference on Natural Language Generation, Sofia, Bulgaria, Aug, 2013.