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Potvin, J. - Y., G. Lapalme, and J. - M. Rousseau, "Un système informatique pour l'expérimentation et le développement d'algorithmes de génération de tournées", Journées de l'optimisation, may, 1987.
Potvin, J. - Y., G. Lapalme, and J. - M. Rousseau, "Automatic Selection and Design of Efficient Vehicle Routing Algorithms", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Tullahoma, pp. 523-527, jun, 1989.
Potvin, J. - Y., G. Lapalme, and J. - M. Rousseau, "A General Framework for Node Routing Problems", ORSA-TIMS National Conference, St-Louis, oct, 1987.
Plamondon, L., G. Lapalme, and F. Pelletier, "L'assistant d'anonymisation NOME", Journées Internet pour le Droit, Paris, pp. 14 pages, nov, 2004. pdf
Plamondon, L., L. Kosseim, and G. Lapalme, "The QUANTUM Question Answering System", Proceedings of The Tenth Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-X), Gaithersburg, Maryland, NIST, pp. 157-165, nov, 2001. pdf
Plamondon, L., L. Kosseim, and G. Lapalme, "The QUANTUM Question Answering System at TREC-11", Proceedings of the Eleventh Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-2002), Gaithersburg, Maryland, NIST, pp. 750-757, nov, 2002. pdf
Plamondon, L., G. Lapalme, and F. Pelletier, "Anonymisation de décisions de justice. ", XIe Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2004). , Fès, Maroc, Bernard Bel et Isabelle Martin. (éditeurs), pp. 367-376, may, 2004. pdf
Picard, F., D. Boucher, and G. Lapalme, "Constructing Small Language Models from Grammars", Proceedings of International Conference on Spoken Language Processing 2002 (ICSLP-2002), Denver, Colorado, pp. 889-892, sep, 2002. pdf
Nepveu, L., G. Lapalme, P. Langlais, and G. Foster, "Adaptive Language and Translation Models for Interactive Machine Translation", EMLNP'04, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 190-197, jul, 2004. pdf
Multiple, "Actes des Journées francophones des langages applicatifs (JFLA-96)", Collection Didactique, no. 15: INRIA, pp. 279, jan, 1996.
Moulin, B., D. Rousseau, and G. Lapalme, "A multi-agent approach for modelling conversations", Fourteenth International Avignon Conference AI 94, Natural Language Processing sub-conference, Paris, pp. 35–50, jun, 1994.
Mouine, M., and G. Lapalme, " How to model a customized visualization", 17th International Conference on Information Visualisation - IV 2013, London, UK, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 118-122, 07/2013. pdf
Mouine, M., and G. Lapalme, "Preference Thresholds Optimization by Interactive Variation", 26th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Regina, Canada, Springer Lecture Notes in AI-7884, 05/2013. pdf
Mouine, M., and G. Lapalme, "Using clustering to personalize visualization", 16th International Conference on Information Visualisation, Montpellier, France, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 258-263, 07/2012. pdf
Morin, R., G. Gerber, M. Côté, A. Choquette, P. Chartray, and G. Lapalme, Sujets spéciaux en analyse de flot de programmes, , no. 125: Département d'informatique et de recherche opérationnelle, Université de Montréal, jun, 1982.
Molins, P., and G. Lapalme, "JSrealB: A bilingual text realizer for web programming", European Natural Language Generation 2015 workshop (ENLG 2015), 9/2015. pdf
Mallette, C., and G. Lapalme, Guide d'utilisation des ``Area Master File'', , no. 273: Centre de recherche sur les transports, Université de Montréal, oct, 1982.
Mallette, C., and G. Lapalme, Améliorations apportées au système d'écriture de compilateurs à analyse descendante, , no. 140: Département d'informatique et de recherche opérationnelle, Université de Montréal, jun, 1983.
Malenfant, J., G. Lapalme, and J. Vaucher, ObjVProlog: un modèle uniforme de métaclasses, classes et instances adapté à la programmation logique, , no. 671: Département d'informatique et recherche opérationnelle, Université de Montréal, 1989.
Malenfant, J., G. Lapalme, and J. Vaucher, "ObjVProlog-D: Distributed Object-Oriented Programming in Logic", Object-Oriented Systems, Chapmann and Hall publishers, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 61–86, jun, 1996.
Malenfant, J., G. Lapalme, and J. Vaucher, "Metaclasses for Metaprogramming in Logic", Meta-90: workshop on meta-programming in logic, Leuven, Belgium, pp. 257–271, apr, 1990.
Malenfant, J., G. Lapalme, and J. Vaucher, "Implantation du langage de programmation logique, par objets et répartie ObjVProlog-D", Conférence AFCET sur la programmation logique, Trégastel, France, pp. 161–186, jun, 1990.
Malenfant, J., G. Lapalme, and J. Vaucher, "ObjVProlog-D: a Reflexive Object-Oriented Logic Language for Distributed Computing", OOPS Messenger, Proceedings of ``Workshop on Reflection'', ECOOP/OOPSLA '90, Ottawa, october 1990, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 78-81, apr, 1991.
Malenfant, B., and G. Lapalme, "RALI System Description for CL-SciSumm 2016 Shared Task", Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries (BIRNDL), pp. 146–155, 2016. pdf
Malenfant, B., and G. Lapalme, Rali System Description For TAC 2014 Biomedical Summerization Track, , pp. 6 pages, 11/2014. pdf
