Séminaires RALI-OLST

Exploring Linguistic and Psycho-linguistic Features for Complex Word Identification

Elnaz Davoodi (ed (point) davoodi <at> gmail (point) com)

Université Concordia

Le mercredi 4 mai 2016 à 11 h 30

Salle 3195, Pavillon André-Aisenstadt

Text simplification is the process of reducing the complexity of a text in order to make it more accessible to a larger audience or to a specific audience such as children, second language learners, the elderly, etc.

Lexical simplification involves replacing specific words in order to reduce lexical complexity, while still conveying the same information. Complex word identification, the first step of lexical simplification, was the goal of a SemEval 2016 task. In this challenge, participants were asked to identify if a given word is "simple" or "complex" in a given text. For our participation, we experimented with two classes of linguistic and psycho-linguistic features which consider words either in isolation or in a context.

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