Séminaires RALI-OLST

Frame semantics and its application to the study of the Spanish lexicon and Spanish grammatical constructions

Carlos Subirats (carlos (point) subirats <at> uab (point) es)

International Computer Science Institute (Berkeley) and Universitat Automona de Barcelona

Le mercredi 2 mai 2012 à 11 h 30

Salle C-9019, Pavillon Lionel-Groulx

The meanings of lexical units (LUs) are constructed in relation to background knowledge. Frame Semantics is based on the assumption that the structure of this background knowledge can be analyzed in terms of semantic frames. A frame is a schematic representation of a situation that includes its participants, props, and other conceptual elements. Each LU evokes a particular frame and profiles some element or aspect of that frame. The Spanish FrameNet Project (SFN) has been developing an online lexical resource for Spanish that is based on frame semantics and supported by corpus evidence. SFN has also recently begun creating a similar resource for grammatical constructions, describing their grammatical characteristics and semantic import and linking them to frames. The project database is online and can be queried at http://sfn.uab.es:9080/SFN.

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