Electronic Versions of Two Dictionaries Written by Jean Dubois and Françoise Dubois-Charlier
ℹ️ June 2020: this page replaces the previous RALI pages about the LVF and DEM.
Les verbes français (LVF) [The French Verbs] and Dictionnaire électronique des mots (DEM) [Electronic Dictionary of Words] are two dictionaries built by Jean Dubois and Françoise Dubois-Charlier, two renowned French linguists. They worked as editors of Larousse paper dictionaries, but they also developed computer based dictionaries using an original classification allowing new usage types and designed for natural language processing.
The entries of these dictionaries are now freely available on the FondamenTAL web site.
Since 2008, RALI has developed a set of tools for exploring these resources and for downloading them in different formats such as JSON and XML. In 2020, these informations have been updated, reorganized and augmented. A new integrated consultation interface has been developed for showing the links between these two resources.
More detail in the French version of these pages.
Interface for browsing these resources.
The RALI also hosts a version of LVF modified by Robert Abitbol.