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"A functional genetic algorithm framework and its application to the single-row routing problem",
The 1st Scottish Functional Programming Workshop, University of Stirling, Bridge of Allan, Scotland, pp. 12 pages, aug, 1999.
"SAAK Approach: How to Acquire Knowledge in an Actual Application System",
IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Honolulu, pp. 136-140, 1999.
"On Rule Extraction from Translation Examples in Japanese-Chinese Machine Translation",
Communications of the Chinese and Oriental Languages Information Processing Society (COLIPS), vol. 9(1), pp. 13-39, 1999.
"Errors of Omission in Translation",
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation (TMI 99), University College, Chester, England, pp. 128-138, aug, 1999.

"Using linguistic knowledge in automatic abstracting",
Proceedings of ACL-99, University of Maryland, jun, 1999.
"Text-translation Alignment: Three Languages Are Better Than Two",
Proceedings of EMNLP/VLC-99, College Park, MD, 1999.

Text-translation Alignment: Aligning Three or More Versions of a Text,
: Jean Véronis, 1999.
"La rétroacquisition d'un modèle conceptuel: une approche basée sur le modèle informatique et la trace d'exécution",
Revue Francaise d'Intelligence Artificielle, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 389-411, jan, 1999.
Traitement automatique des langues naturelles,
: Editions Duculot, 1998.
"Integrated generation of graphics and text: a corpus study",
Coling-ACL'98 Workshop on Content Visualisation and Intermedia Representations, Montréal, pp. 63–68, aug, 1998.

"Variation du contenu et de la forme dans la description d'itinéraires en métro",
TALN-98, pp. 10, jun, 1998.

"Automatic generation of subway directions: salience gradation as a factor in determining message and form",
Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Language Generation, Niagara-on-the-Lake, pp. 58–67, aug, 1998.

"EXIBUM: un système expérimental d'extraction d'information bilingue",
Rencontre Internationale sur l'extraction, le filtrage et le résumé automatique (RIFRA'98), Sfax, Tunisie, pp. 129–140, nov, 1998.

"The ARCADE: A Cooperative Research Project on Bilingual Text Alignment",
Proceedings of First International Conference On Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), may, 1998.

"Pondération d'indices prosodiques dans un système automatique de prédiction syntaxico-rythmique d'un énoncé",
Proceedings of XXIIèmes Journées d'Étude sur la Parole (JEP), Martigny, Switzerland,, jun, 1998.

"Phonetic-level mispronunciation detection in non-native Swedish speech",
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Sydney, Australia, nov, 1998.

"Automatic Detection of Mispronunciation in non-native Swedish Speech",
Proceedings of Speech Technology in Language Learning, pages 41-44, ESCA workshop, Marholmen, Swede, may, 1998.

"Progress in parallel text alignment techniques for multilingual lexical acquisition: the ARCADE evaluation exercise",
Paper presented at 2nd Workshop on Lexical Semantics Systems (WLSS), Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, apr, 1998.
"Methods and Practical Issues in Evaluating Alignment Techniques",
Proceedings of COLING-ACL 98, Montréal, Québec, 1998.

Génération intégrée de textes et de graphiques,
, mar, 1998.
Une approche fonctionnelle pour les algorithmes,
, mar, 1998.
"Dynamic tabbing for automatic indentation with the layout rule",
Journal of Functional Programming, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 493–502, jan, 1998.

Présentation des activités du laboratoire RALI,
, mar, 1998.
Génération intégrée de textes et de graphiques,
, mar, 1998.
Toward a broader model for information retrieval,
: eds. M. Lalmas, F. Crestani, C.J. van Rijsbergen, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 17-38, 1998.