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Zhang, D., J. Lu, R. Mao, and J-Y. Nie, Time-sensitive language modelling for online term recurrence prediction, : Springer, pp. 128–138, 2009.
Zhang, R., Y. Chang, Z. Zheng, D. Metzler, and J-Y. Nie, "Search Engine Adaptation by Feedback Control Adjustment for Time-sensitive Query.", HLT-NAACL (Short Papers), pp. 165–168, 2009.
Bae, H S., M-C. L'Homme, and G. Lapalme, "Semantic Roles in Multilingual Terminological Descriptions: Applications to French and Korea Contexts", Workshop on Multilingual and Comparative Perspectives on Specialised Language Resources, Marrakeh, LREC'08, pp. 1-7, may, 2008. pdf
Bai, J., and J-Y. Nie, "Adapting information retrieval to query contexts", Information Processing & Management, vol. 44, no. 6: Elsevier, pp. 1901–1922, 2008.
Cao, G., S. Robertson, and J-Y. Nie, "Selecting Query Term Alternations for Web Search by Exploiting Query Contexts.", ACL, pp. 148–155, 2008.
Cao, G., J-Y. Nie, J. Gao, and S. Robertson, "Selecting good expansion terms for pseudo-relevance feedback", Proceedings of the 31st annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval: ACM, pp. 243–250, 2008.
Cao, G., J-Y. Nie, and L. Shi, "NTCIR-7 Patent Mining Experiments at RALI", the Proceedings of NTCIR-7 Workshop Meeting, pp. 347–350, 2008.
Chieze, E., A. Farzindar, and G. Lapalme, "Automatic Summarization and Information Extraction from Canadian Immigration Decisions", Proceedings of the Semantic Processing of Legal Texts Workshop: LREC 2008, pp. 51-57, may, 2008. pdf
Genest, P-E., G. Lapalme, L. Nerima, and E. Wehrli, "A Symbolic Summarizer for the Update Task of TAC 2008", Proceedings of the First Text Analysis Conference, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, NIST, Nov, 2008. pdf
Gotti, F., A. Farzindar, G. Lapalme, and E. Macklovitch, "Automatic Translation of Court Judgments", AMTA'2008 The Eighth Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, Waikiki, Hawai'i, pp. pp 1-10, oct, 2008. pdf
Kadri, Y., Recherche d'Information Translinguistique sur les Documents en Arabe, : Université de Montréal, sep, 2008. pdf
Kadri, Y., and J-Y. Nie, "A Comparative Study between Linear Combination and Confidence Measures for Cross Language Information Retrieval", Int. Joint Conf. on NLP, Hydrabad, jan, 2008. pdf
Kazemi, F., An Anonymizable Entity Finder in Judicial Decisions, : Université de Montréal, jun, 2008. pdf
Kovacevic, M., J-Y. Nie, and C. Davidson, "Providing answers to questions from automatically collected web pages for intelligent decision making in the construction sector", Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, vol. 22, no. 1: American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 3–13, 2008.
Lapalme, G., and E. Macklovitch, "Proposal for a Foreign Language Drafting Aid", Proceedings of the workshop on Natural Language Processing resources, algorithms and tools for authoring aids, Marrakech, LREC 2008, pp. 1-5, jun, 2008. pdf
Macklovitch, E., G. Lapalme, and F. Gotti, "TransSearch: What are translators looking for ?", AMTA'2008- The Eighth Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, Waikiki, Hawai'i, pp. p 1-10, oct, 2008. pdf
Nie, J-Y., and J. Savoy, "Recherche d’information multilingue", Recherche d’information : État des lieux et perspectives: Mohand BOUGHANEM, Jacques SAVOY, Hermès-Lavoisier, pp. 35-66, 2008.
Shi, L., J-Y. Nie, and G. Cao, "Relating dependent indexes using Dempster-Shafer theory", Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Information and knowledge management: ACM, pp. 429–438, 2008.
Shi, L., J-Y. Nie, and G. Cao, "RALI Experiments in IR4QA at NTCIR-7", Proceedings of the 7th NTCIR Workshop Meeting, vol. 3, 2008.
Sokolova, M., and G. Lapalme, "Verbs as the most affective words", Proceedings of the international Symposium on Affective Language in Human and Machine, UK, Scotland, Aberdeen, pp. 73–76, apr, 2008. pdf
Sokolova, M., V. Nastase, and S. Szpakowicz, "The Telling Tail: Signals of Success in Electronic Negotiation Texts", Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP 2008), India, Hyderabad, pp. 257–264, 2008. pdf
Sokolova, M., and G. Lapalme, "Verbs Speak Loud: Verb Categories in Learning Polarity and Strength of Opinions", Proceedings of the 20th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI 2008),, vol. 5032, Windsor, pp. 320–331, may, 2008. pdf
Bai, J., J-Y. Nie, G. Cao, and H. Bouchard, "Using query contexts in information retrieval", Proceedings of the 30th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval: ACM, 2007. pdf
Cao, G., J. Gao, J-Y. Nie, and J. Bai, "Extending query translation to cross-language query expansion with markov chain models", Proceedings of the sixteenth ACM conference on Conference on information and knowledge management: ACM, 2007. pdf
Cao, G., J-Y. Nie, L. Si, and J. Bai, "Learning to rank documents for ad-hoc retrieval with regularized models", SIGIR 2007 workshop on Learning to Rank for Information Retrieval, 2007. pdf
