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Nie, J-Y., A General Logical Approach to Inferential Information Retrieval, , vol. 44: Ed. A. Kent and J.G. Williams, pp. 203-226, 2001.
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Nie, J-Y., and W. Shen, "Flexible Concept Matching for Medical Information Retrieval", Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2015 IEEE International Conference on: IEEE, 2015.
Nie, J-Y., and M. Simard, "Using statistical translation models for bilingual IR, Evaluation of Cross-Language Information Retrieval Systems", CLEF 2001, LNCS 2406, pp. 137-150, 2002. pdf
Nie, J-Y., J. - P. Chevallet, and M. - F. Bruandet, "Between terms and words for European language IR and between words and bigrams for Chinese IR?", The Sixth Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-6), NIST Special publication 500-240, pp. 697-710, 1998. octet-stream
Nie, J-Y., "Towards a Unified Approach to CLIR and Multilingual IR, Workshop on Cross-Language Information Retrieval", A Research Roadmap, 25th ACM-SIGIR, Tampere, Finland, aug, 2002. postscript
Nie, J-Y., and F. Jin, "Integrating Logical Operators in Query Expansion in VSM", Workshop on Mathematical/Formal Methods in Information Retrieval, 25th ACM-SIGIR, Tampere, Finland, aug, 2002. postscript
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Nie, J-Y., and F. Ren, "The concept of sensitive words in Chinese- A preliminary study", Journal of Natural Language Processing, vol. 6(1), pp. 59-78, 1999.
Nie, J-Y., and J. Cai, "Filtering noisy Parallel Corpora of Web Pages", IEEE symposium on NLP and Knowledge Engineering, Tucson, pp. 453-458, oct, 2001. postscript
Nie, J-Y., M. Simard, P. Isabelle, and R. Durand, "Cross-Language Information Retrieval based on Parallel Texts and Automatic Mining of Parallel Texts in the Web", 22ndACM-SIGIR, Berkeley, pp. 74-81, 1999. postscript
Nie, J-Y., J. Gao, J. Zhang, J., and Z. M, "On the use of words and n-grams for Chinese information retrieval", Fifth International Workshop on Information Retrieval with Asian Languages IRAL-2000, Hong Kong, sep, 2000. postscript
Nie, J-Y., "TREC-7 CLIR using a Probabilistic Translation Model", The Seventh Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-7), NIST Special Publication 500-242, pp. 547-553, 1999. pdf
Nie, Y., A. Sordoni, and J-Y. Nie, "Multi-level Abstraction Convolutional Model with Weak Supervision for Information Retrieval", The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development in Information Retrieval, New York, NY, USA, ACM, 2018. pdf
Nie, J-Y., M. Simard, and G. Foster, "Multilingual information retrieval based on parallel texts from the Web", CLEF-Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Nb. 2069, Springer, pp. 188-201, sep, 2000.
