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"Computer-Aided Decision Making in Therapeutics: a Pragmatic Approach",
American Association for Medical Systems and Informatics, may, 1988.
"Enseigner les mathématiques simples à l'aide d'acteurs directement manipulables",
Premier Congrès européen sur l'intelligence artificielle et la formation, Lille, France, oct, 1988.
"FUS: a Rule-Based System for the Rapid Evaluation of Folding and Unfolding Strategies",
7th Annual Conference of Molecular Graphics Society, San Diego, aug, 1988.
Macromolecular Dynamics Using High-Level Logical Rules,
, Ste-Marguerite, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, 1988.
"FUS: a System to Simulate Conformational Changes in Biological Macromolecules",
CABIOS (Computer Applications in Bio-Sciences), vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 445-451, 1988.
"Information retrieval systems and their integration of deductive databases",
Int. Symposium for Young Computer Professionals, Beijing, pp. 10 pages, 1988.
"An outline of a general model for information retrieval systems",
11th ACM-SIGIR, Grenoble, pp. 495-506, 1988.
Recent Developments in a Computer System for the Design of Vehicle Routing Algorithms,
: Recent Progress in Transportation Research in Italy and Canada, 1988.
Computational Morphology of English,
, vol. 26, pp. 545–560, 1988.
"SCOOP: Structured Concurrent Object Oriented Programming",
ECOOP'88: European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming '88, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, no 322, Oslo, Springer-Verlag, pp. 191-211, 1988.

"Deriving Translation Data from Bilingual Texts",
Proceedings of the First International Lexical Acquisition Workshop, 1989.
"Un environnement d'expérimentation des analyseurs déterministes",
Technique et Science Informatiques, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 361-376, sep, 1989.
"Towards Reversible MT Systems",
Proceedings of the 2nd International MT Summit, Munich, 1989.

"CRITTER: un système de traduction pour les rapports de marchés agricoles.",
Actes du congrès canadien en génie électrique et informatique,, pp. 109-113, 1989.
Artificial Intelligence and Molecular Graphics: Promises and Reality,
, Université de Montréal, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, 1989.
User Session / AI and Macromolecular Structure,
, Université de Montréal, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, 1989.
Bigre numéro spécial ``Putting Scheme to Work'', no. 65, pp. 100-110, jul, 1989.
"Activités du laboratoire Incognito (Sept 1987-Juin 1989)",
Département d'informatique et de recherche opérationnelle, Université de Montréal, 1989.
"Plasma-II: an Actor Approach to Concurrent Programming",
Sigplan Notices 24(4) - Workshop on Object-Based Concurrent Programming, San Diego, pp. 81-83, 1989.

La programmation orientée objet depuis Simula-67: progrès et reculs,
, Montréal, ACFAS-1989, jan, 1989.
"Using Functional Languages to Study the Relationships Between Nucleic Acid Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Structure Elements",
8th Annual Conference of Molecular Graphics Society, Glasgow, mar, 1989.
ObjVProlog: un modèle uniforme de métaclasses, classes et instances adapté à la programmation logique,
, no. 671: Département d'informatique et recherche opérationnelle, Université de Montréal, 1989.
"A general information retrieval model based on modal logic",
Information Processing and Management, vol. 25(5), pp. 477-491, 1989.
"Automatic Selection and Design of Efficient Vehicle Routing Algorithms",
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Tullahoma, pp. 523-527, jun, 1989.
"Application of Object-Oriented Programming for Modeling and Solving Vehicle Routing Problems",
TOOLS'89, Paris, pp. 325-355, nov, 1989.