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Douzidia, F., and G. Lapalme, Un système de résumé de textes en arabe, , jan, 2005. pdf
Farzindar, A., F. Rozon, and G. Lapalme, "CATS a topic-oriented multi-document summarization system", DUC2005 Workshop, Vancouver, NIST, pp. 8 pages, oct, 2005. pdf
Farzindar, A., and G. Lapalme, "Production automatique du résumé de textes juridiques: évaluation de qualité et d'acceptabilité", TALN 2005, vol. 1, Dourdan, France, pp. 183-192, jun, 2005. pdf
Farzindar, A., Résumé automatique de textes juridiques, : Université de Montréal et Université Paris IV-Sorbonne, mar, 2005. pdf
Gao, J., H. Qi, X. Xia, and J-Y. Nie, "Linear Discriminant Model for Information Retrieval", ACM-SIGIR, Salvador, Brazil, pp. 290-297, aug, 2005. pdf
Gotti, F., A. Patry, G. Cao, and P. Langlais, "A look at English-Inuktitut Word Alignment", 3rd Computational Lingusitics in the North-East (CLiNE) Workshop, Gatineau, Québec, aug, 2005. pdf
Gotti, F., P. Langlais, E. Macklovitch, B R. Didier Bourigault, and C. Coulombe, "3GTM: A Third-Generation Translation Memory", 3rd Computational Linguistics in the North-East (CLiNE) Workshop, Gatineau, Québec, aug, 2005. pdf
Langlais, P., F. Gotti, and G. Cao, "NUKTI: English-Inuktitut word-alignment system description", 2nd ACL workshop on Building and Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven and Beyond, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, pp. 75–78, jan, 2005. pdf
Langlais, P., S. Gandrabur, T. Leplus, and G. Lapalme, "The Long-Term Forecast for Weather Bulletin Translation", Machine Translation, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 83-112, mar, 2005. pdf
Langlais, P., T. Leplus, G. Lapalme, and S. Gandrabur, "Approche en corpus pour la traduction: le cas METEO", TALN05 (Poster), vol. 1, Dourdan, France, pp. 463-474, jun, 2005. pdf
Langlais, P., T. Leplus, G. Lapalme, and S. Gandrabur, "From the Real World to Real Words: the METEO case", EAMT 2005, Budapest, pp. 166-175, jun, 2005. pdf
Langlais, P., G. Cao, and F. Gotti, "RALI: SMT shared task system description", 2nd ACL workshop on Building and Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven and Beyond, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, pp. 137–140, jan, 2005. pdf
Lapalme, G., TransType: un outil d'aide à la traduction, , nov, 2005.
Macklovitch, E., N T. Nguyen, and G. Lapalme, "Tracing Translations in the Making", MT Summit X, Phucket, Thailand, pp. 323-330, oct, 2005. pdf
Nie, J-Y., D. L. Sylva, G. Lizarrald, and C. H. Davidson, "A question and answer system for the construction sector - Facilitating on-line access to information", First International Conf. on Information and Knowledge Management and 2005 Annual Meeting of CIB W102, Lisbon, may, 2005.
Oumohmed, A I., M. Mignotte, and J-Y. Nie, "Semantic-Based Cross-Media Image Retrieval", Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: Third International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition (ICAPR), Bath, UK, pp. 414-423, 2005.
Paradis, F., and J-Y. Nie, "Étude sur l'impact du sous-langage dans la classification automatique d'appels d'offres", CORIA, Grenoble, France, mar, 2005. pdf
Paradis, F., J-Y. Nie, and A. Tajarobi, "Discovery of business opportunities on the Internet with information extraction", Workshop on Multi-Agent Information Retrieval and Recommender Systems, IJCAI, Edinburgh, pp. 47-54, jul, 2005. pdf
Paradis, F., and J-Y. Nie, "Filtering Contents with Bigrams and Named Entities to Improve Text Classification", Asian Information Retrieval Symposium (AIRS), Jeju Island, Korea, oct, 2005. pdf
Patry, A., and P. Langlais, "Corpus-Based Terminology Extraction", 7th International Conference on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering, Copenhagen, Danemark, pp. 313–321, jan, 2005. pdf
Patry, A., and P. Langlais, "Paradocs: un système d'identification automatique de documents parallèles", 12e Conference sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN), Dourdan, France, pp. 223-232, jan, 2005. pdf
Patry, A., and P. Langlais, "Automatic Identification of Parallel Documents with light or without Linguistic Resources", 18th Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Victoria, British-Columbia, Canada, pp. 354-365, jan, 2005. pdf
Robert, J-M., L. Moulet, G. Lizarralde, C. H. Davidson, J-Y. Nie, and L D. Sylva, "Finding Out: A System For Providing Rapid And Reliable Answers To Questions In The Construction Sector", Journal of Construction Innovation, vol. Sous presse, 2005.
Russell, G., and G. Lapalme, Automatic Identification of Language and Encoding, , jan, 2005. pdf
Simard, M., N. Cancedda, B. Cavestro, M. Dymetman, E. Gaussier, C. Goutte, A. Mauser, P. Langlais, and K. Yamada, "Une approche à la traduction automatique statistique par segments discontinus", 12e Conference sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN), Dourdan, France, pp. 233-242, jan, 2005. pdf
