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Coelho, E., and G. Lapalme, "Describing Reusable Problem-Solving Methods with an Ontology of Roles", Knowledge Acquisition Workshop 96, Banff, SRDG Publications, pp. 20 pages, jan, 1996.
Coelho, E., G. Lapalme, and V. L. Patel, "From KADS Models to Operational Problem-Solving Methods: Perspectives in the Domain View", Knowledge Engineering: Modeling Languages, Paris, pp. 13 pages, jan, 1996.
Fasciano, M., and G. Lapalme, "Génération intégrée de texte et de graphiques statistiques", Traitement automatique du francais écrit, no. 86: ACFAS, pp. 175–196, 1996. pdf
Fasciano, M., and G. Lapalme, "Postgraphe: a System for the Generation of Statistical Graphics and Text", Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Natural Language Generation (INLG-96), Herstmonceux, Sussex, UK, pp. 51-60, jun, 1996. pdf
Gagnon, M., and G. Lapalme, "Prétexte: a Generator for the Expression of Temporal Information", Trends in Natural Language Generation, An Artificial Intelligence Perspective, no. 1036: Springer-Verlag, pp. 238–259, 1996. pdf
Gagnon, M., and G. Lapalme, "From Conceptual Time to Linguistic Time", Computational Linguistics, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 91–127, mar, 1996. pdf
Kosseim, L., A. Tutin, R. Kittredge, and G. Lapalme, "Generating Grammatical and Lexical Anaphora in Assembly Instructional Texts", Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence: Trends in Natural Language Generation, An Artificial Intelligence Perspective no. 1036, Springer. Berlin, pp. 260-275, 1996. pdf
Kosseim, L., A. Tutin, R. Kittredge, and G. Lapalme, "Generating Grammatical and Lexical Anaphora in Assembly Instructional Texts", Trends in Natural Language Generation, An Artificial Intelligence Perspective, no. 1036: Springer-Verlag, pp. 260–276, 1996.
Lapalme, G., Les travaux en génération de texte à l'Université de Montréal, , jan, 1996.
Malenfant, J., G. Lapalme, and J. Vaucher, "ObjVProlog-D: Distributed Object-Oriented Programming in Logic", Object-Oriented Systems, Chapmann and Hall publishers, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 61–86, jun, 1996.
Multiple, "Actes des Journées francophones des langages applicatifs (JFLA-96)", Collection Didactique, no. 15: INRIA, pp. 279, jan, 1996.
Pugeault, F., and G. Lapalme, "Vers une Génération automatique de synthèses de textes techniques à partir de formes prédicat-arguments", Informatique et langue naturelle - ILN'96, Nantes, France, Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Nantes, pp. 20 pages, 1996.
Rousseau, D., B. Moulin, and G. Lapalme, "Interpreting communicative acts and building a conversation model", Natural Language Engineering, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 253-276, 1996.
Coelho, E., and G. Lapalme, "Extending Ontolingua for Representing Control Knowledge", Workshop on Basic Ontological Issues in Knowledge Sharing, Montréal, IJCAI-95, pp. 10 pages, aug, 1995.
Fasciano, M., and G. Lapalme, "Automatic generation of statistical graphics", Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimodal Communication CMC/95, Eidhoven, The Netherlands, DENK-Samenwerkings Orgaan Brabantse Universiteiten, pp. 303–305 (poster), may, 1995. pdf
Kosseim, L., and G. Lapalme, "Choosing Rhetorical Relations in Instructional Texts: the Case of Effects and Guidances", 5th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Leiden, The Netherlands, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Rijks Universiteit Leiden, pp. 207–218, may, 1995. pdf
Ramos, M. A., A. Tutin, and G. Lapalme, "Lexical Functions of Explanatory Combinatorial Dictionary for Lexicalization in Text Generation", Computational Lexical Semantics: Cambridge University Press, pp. 351–366, 1995. pdf
Senteni, A., and G. Lapalme, "Actor Tools for Discrete-Event Simulation", International Journal in Computer Simulation, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 417–432, 1995.
Turcotte, M., G. Lapalme, and F. Major, "Exploring the conformations of nucleic acids", Journal of Functional Programming, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 443–460, jul, 1995.
Fasciano, M., and G. Lapalme, "Génération intégrée de textes et de graphiques statistiques", Traitement automatique du français écrit: développements théoriques et applications: 62e congrès de l'ACFAS, may, 1994. pdf
Feeley, M., M. Turcotte, and G. Lapalme, "Using Multilisp for Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems: an Application to Nucleic Acid 3D Structure Determination", Journal of Lisp and Symbolic Computation, vol. 7, no. 2–3, pp. 229–244, 1994. pdf
Giroux, S., A. Senteni, and G. Lapalme, "Reactalk, du monde réel à des systèmes informatiques ouverts et adapatatifs", RFIA-94, Paris, France, jan, 1994.
Kosseim, L., and G. Lapalme, "Content and Rhetorical Status Selection in Instructional Texts", Proceedings of The Seventh International Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Kennebunkport, Maine, pp. 53-60, 1994. pdf
Lapalme, G., R. Kittredge, M. Fasciano, L. Kosseim, M. Gagnon, B. Lavoie, D. Rousseau, N. Tourigny, and A. Tutin, "Natural Language Generation at the University of Montréal: Research summary of the SCRIPTUM group", Canadian Artificial Intelligence, no. Spring/Summer, pp. 13–19, 1994.
Lapalme, G., Traitement de la langue naturelle et Prolog, , Rabbat, Maroc, ENSIAS, 1994.
