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Lapalme, G., "Merkure: un projet de suivi automatique au courrier électronique", Seminaire du génie informatique, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, feb, 2003.
Malenfant, J., G. Lapalme, and J. Vaucher, "Metaclasses for Metaprogramming in Logic", Meta-90: workshop on meta-programming in logic, Leuven, Belgium, pp. 257–271, apr, 1990.
Potvin, J. - Y., G. Lapalme, and J. - M. Rousseau, "A Microcomputer Assistant for the Development of Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Heuristics", Decision Support Systems, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 41–56, 1994.
Lapalme, G., and M. Feeley, "Micro-Scheme", Bigre numéro spécial ``Putting Scheme to Work'', no. 65, pp. 100-110, jul, 1989.
Rousseau, D., G. Lapalme, and B. Moulin, "A Model of Speech Act Planner adapted to Multiagent Universes", Proceedings of the Workshop on Intentionality and Structure in Discourse Relations: Special Interest Group on Generation, pp. 110-113, jun, 1993.
Rousseau, D., B. Moulin, and G. Lapalme, "Modélisation des conversations basée sur une perspective de systèmes multiagents", Colloque Informatique et langue naturelle: Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Nantes, Universite de Nantes – Ecole Centrale, pp. 129–150, dec, 1993.
Senteni, A., P. Sallé, and G. Lapalme, "Modelling Complex Behavior in Discrete Event Simulation with Actors", Proceedings SCSC'89 Summer Simulation Conference, Austin, Texas, jul, 1989.
Moulin, B., D. Rousseau, and G. Lapalme, "A multi-agent approach for modelling conversations", Fourteenth International Avignon Conference AI 94, Natural Language Processing sub-conference, Paris, pp. 35–50, jun, 1994.
Vaudry, P-L., and G. Lapalme, "Narrative Generation from Extracted Associations", Proceedings of the 15th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Brighton, United Kingdom, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2015. pdf
Lapalme, G., "Natural Language Generation and Summarization at RALI", Proceedings of the 14th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Sofia, Bulgaria, Association for Computational Linguistics, August, 2013. pdf
Lapalme, G., R. Kittredge, M. Fasciano, L. Kosseim, M. Gagnon, B. Lavoie, D. Rousseau, N. Tourigny, and A. Tutin, "Natural Language Generation at the University of Montréal: Research summary of the SCRIPTUM group", Canadian Artificial Intelligence, no. Spring/Summer, pp. 13–19, 1994.
Lapalme, G., Natural Language Processing on the Web, , Montréal, Web Science and the Mind - Summer School in Cognitive Sciences 2014, 2014. pdf
Malenfant, J., G. Lapalme, and J. Vaucher, ObjVProlog: un modèle uniforme de métaclasses, classes et instances adapté à la programmation logique, , no. 671: Département d'informatique et recherche opérationnelle, Université de Montréal, 1989.
Malenfant, J., G. Lapalme, and J. Vaucher, "ObjVProlog-D: a Reflexive Object-Oriented Logic Language for Distributed Computing", OOPS Messenger, Proceedings of ``Workshop on Reflection'', ECOOP/OOPSLA '90, Ottawa, october 1990, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 78-81, apr, 1991.
Malenfant, J., G. Lapalme, and J. Vaucher, "ObjVProlog-D: Distributed Object-Oriented Programming in Logic", Object-Oriented Systems, Chapmann and Hall publishers, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 61–86, jun, 1996.
Sokolova, M., and G. Lapalme, "Opinion Classification with Non-affective Adjectives and Adverbs", Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP'2009), Borovets, Bulgaria, sep, 2009. pdf
Sokolova, M., and G. Lapalme, "Opinion Learning without Emotional Words", Canadian AI'2009 the 22nd Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Kelowna, British Columbia, Springer-Verlag, pp. 253-256, may, 2009. pdf
Desrosiers, J., J. A. Ferland, J. - M. Rousseau, G. Lapalme, and L. Chapleau, "An Overview of a School Busing System", Scientific Management of Transport Systems: North-Holland, pp. 235-243, 1981.
Chapleau, L., J. Ferland, G. Lapalme, and J. - M. Rousseau, "A Parallel Insert Method for the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem", Operations Research Letters, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 95-100, 1984.
Zock, M., and G. Lapalme, "Patrons de phrase, raccourcis pour apprendre rapidement à parler une nouvelle langue", TALN-2011, Montpellier, 06/2011. pdf
Sokolova, M., and G. Lapalme, "Performance Measures in Classification of Human Communications", Proceedings of the 20th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 159-170, 2007. pdf
Vaudry, P-L., and G. Lapalme, "Placing mined clues on causality at the heart of narrative planning", Rapport interne: RALI-DIRO, 01/2018. pdf
Lapalme, G., and P. Sallé, "Plasma-II: an Actor Approach to Concurrent Programming", Sigplan Notices 24(4) - Workshop on Object-Based Concurrent Programming, San Diego, pp. 81-83, 1989. pdf
Vaucher, J., and G. Lapalme, Poops: an Object Oriented Prolog, , no. 565: Département d'informatique et recherche opérationnelle, Université de Montréal, mar, 1986.
Fasciano, M., and G. Lapalme, "Postgraphe: a System for the Generation of Statistical Graphics and Text", Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Natural Language Generation (INLG-96), Herstmonceux, Sussex, UK, pp. 51-60, jun, 1996. pdf
