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Fasciano, M., and G. Lapalme, "Automatic generation of statistical graphics", Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimodal Communication CMC/95, Eidhoven, The Netherlands, DENK-Samenwerkings Orgaan Brabantse Universiteiten, pp. 303–305 (poster), may, 1995. pdf
Kosseim, L., and G. Lapalme, "Choosing Rhetorical Relations in Instructional Texts: the Case of Effects and Guidances", 5th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Leiden, The Netherlands, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Rijks Universiteit Leiden, pp. 207–218, may, 1995. pdf
Kosseim, L., Planification de textes d'instruction: Sélection du contenu et de la structure rhétorique, , 1995. pdf
Lepage, F., and J-Y. Nie, "A multivalued conditional logic with probabilistic interpretation for causal decision theory", Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Canberra, pp. 411-418, nov, 1995. postscript
Macklovitch, E., "TransCheck - or the Automatic Validation of Human Translations", Proceedings of the MT Summit V, Luxembourg, 1995. postscript
Macklovitch, E., "The Future of MT is Now and Bar-Hillel was (almost entirely) Right", Proceedings of the Fourth Bar-Ilan Symposium on the Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Ramat Gan, Israel, 1995. postscript
Macklovitch, E., "Can Terminological Consistency be Validated Automatically?", Centre d'innovation en technologies de l'information, Laval, Canada, pp. 15, 1995. postscript
Nie, J-Y., F. Lepage, and M. Brisebois, "Information retrieval as counterfactual", The Computer Journal, vol. 38(8), 1995.
Nie, J-Y., M. - L. Hannan, and W. Jin, "Unknown word detection and segmentation of Chinese using statistical and heuristic knowledge", Communications of the Chinese and Oriental Languages Information Processing Society (COLIPS), vol. 5, pp. 47-57, 1995.
Nie, J-Y., M. - L. Hannan, and W. Jin, "Combining dictionary, rules and statistics in unknown word detection and segmentation of Chinese", Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, vol. 9(2), pp. 125-144, 1995.
Nie, J-Y., F. Ren, and M. Brisebois, "A unifying approach to segmentation of Chinese and its application to text retrieval", ROCLING VIII (Conference of the Computational Linguistics Society of the Republic of China), Taiwan, pp. 172-190, aug, 1995.
Nie, J-Y., J. Wanying, and M-L. Hannan, "A Hybrid Approach to Unknow Word Detection and Segmentation of Chinese", International Conference on Chinese Computing, Singapore, pp. 326-335, jun, 1995.
Ramos, M. A., A. Tutin, and G. Lapalme, "Lexical Functions of Explanatory Combinatorial Dictionary for Lexicalization in Text Generation", Computational Lexical Semantics: Cambridge University Press, pp. 351–366, 1995. pdf
Rousseau, D., Modélisation et simulation de conversations dans un univers multi-agent, , 1995. pdf
Senteni, A., and G. Lapalme, "Actor Tools for Discrete-Event Simulation", International Journal in Computer Simulation, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 417–432, 1995.
Turcotte, M., G. Lapalme, and F. Major, "Exploring the conformations of nucleic acids", Journal of Functional Programming, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 443–460, jul, 1995.
Coelho, E., G. Lapalme, and V. L. Patel, "From KADS Models to Operational Problem-Solving Methods: Perspectives in the Domain View", Knowledge Engineering: Modeling Languages, Paris, pp. 13 pages, jan, 1996.
Coelho, E., and G. Lapalme, "Describing Reusable Problem-Solving Methods with an Ontology of Roles", Knowledge Acquisition Workshop 96, Banff, SRDG Publications, pp. 20 pages, jan, 1996.
Fasciano, M., and G. Lapalme, "Postgraphe: a System for the Generation of Statistical Graphics and Text", Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Natural Language Generation (INLG-96), Herstmonceux, Sussex, UK, pp. 51-60, jun, 1996. pdf
Fasciano, M., and G. Lapalme, "Génération intégrée de texte et de graphiques statistiques", Traitement automatique du francais écrit, no. 86: ACFAS, pp. 175–196, 1996. pdf
Fasciano, M., Génération intégrée de textes et de graphiques statistiques, : Université de Montréal, 1996. pdf
Foster, G., P. Isabelle, and P. Plamondon, "Word Completion: A First Step Toward Target-Text Mediated IMT", Proceedings of COLING-96, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 394-399, 1996. postscript
Gagnon, M., and G. Lapalme, "From Conceptual Time to Linguistic Time", Computational Linguistics, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 91–127, mar, 1996. pdf
Gagnon, M., and G. Lapalme, "Prétexte: a Generator for the Expression of Temporal Information", Trends in Natural Language Generation, An Artificial Intelligence Perspective, no. 1036: Springer-Verlag, pp. 238–259, 1996. pdf
Isabelle, P., "The State of Machine Translation in 1996", Invited report prepared for the National Research Council of the U.S.A, 1996. postscript
