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"Une approche à la traduction automatique statistique par segments discontinus",
12e Conference sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN), Dourdan, France, pp. 233-242, jan, 2005.
"A latent semantic classification model",
ACM-CIKM, 2005.
"Lexiqum : une base de données textuelles",
Description linguistique pour le traitement automatique du Français - 74e Congrès ACFAS, may, 2006.
"Context-Dependent Term Relations for Information Retrieval",
EMNLP, pp. 551-559, 2006.
Architecture question-réponse pour l'automatisation des services d'information,
: Université de Montréal, aug, 2006.
"Modèles de langue appliqués à la recherche d'information contextuelle",
Information - Interaction - Intelligence, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 51-75, 2006.
"Modèles de langue appliqués à la recherche d'information contextuelle",
Conférence en Recherche d?Information et Applications (CORIA), 2006.
"Constructing better document and query models with Markov chains",
ACM-CIKM, pp. 800-801, 2006.
"Résumé multidocuments orienté par une requête complexe",
Actes de la 13e conférence sur le traitement automatique des langues (TALN06), pp. 130-138, jan, 2006.
"Retrieving poorly degraded OCR documents",
International Journal of Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR), vol. 8: Springer-Verlag, pp. 15-26, 2006.
"The LIA-Thales Summarization System at DUC 2006",
Document understanding Conference, Brooklyn, NIST, pp. 10 pages, jun, 2006.
Résumé automatique de commentaires de consommateurs,
: Université de Montréal, aug, 2006.
"Confidence Estimation for NLP Applications",
Transactions on Speech and Language Processing, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 1-29, oct, 2006.
"A Study of Statistical Models for Query Translation: Finding a Good Unit of Translation",
ACM-SIGIR, pp. 194-201, 2006.
Statistical Query Translation Models for Cross-language Information Retrieval,
, vol. 5, New York, NY, USA, ACM, pp. 323–359, 2006.
"A supervised learning approach to entity search",
Information Retrieval Technology: Springer, pp. 54–66, 2006.
"Effective stemming for Arabic information retrieval",
The Challenge of Arabic for NLP/MT, International Conf. at the British Computer Society (BCS), pp. 68-74, 2006.
"Improving query translation with confidence estimation for cross-language information retrieval",
CIKM '06: Proceedings of the 15th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management, pp. 818-819, 2006.
"Compréhension et multilinguisme",
Compréhension automatique des langues et interaction, Paris, Hermes Science, pp. 18 pages, apr, 2006.
"TransType2: une nouvelle approche pour un système d'aide à la traduction",
Technologies langagières et apprentissage des langues, Montréal, ACFAS, pp. 141-151, mar, 2006.
"An information-theoretic approach to automatic evaluation of summaries",
HLT-NAACL, pp. 463-470, 2006.
"An Iterative Implicit Feedback Approach to Personalized Search",
COLING-ACL, pp. 551-559, 2006.
"TransType2: The Last Word",
Proceedings of LREC 2006, Genoa, Italy, may, 2006.
"Learning Noun-Modifier Semantic Relations with Corpus-based and WordNet-based Features",
Proceedings of the 21st National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2006), 2006.
"Inferential Language Models for Information Retrieval",
ACM Transactions on Asian Information Processing (TALIP), vol. 5, New York, NY, USA, ACM, pp. 296–322, 2006.