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Langlais, P., S. Sauvé, G. Foster, E. Macklovitch, and G. Lapalme, "Evaluating TransType: A comparison of theoretical and user-oriented evaluation procedures of a new type of interactive MT", Second International Conference On Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), vol. 2, Athens, Greece, pp. 641-648, jun, 2000.
Langlais, P., and G. Foster, "Using Context-Dependent Interpolation to Combine Statistical Language and Translation Models for Interactive MT", Content-Based Multimedia Information Access (RIAO), Paris, France, pp. 507-518, apr, 2000.
Langlais, P., G. Foster, and G. Lapalme, "Unit Completion for a Computer-aided Translation Typing System", Applied Natural Language Processing (ANLP), Seattle, Washington, pp. 135-141, may, 2000.
Langlais, P., G. Foster, and G. Lapalme, "Transtype: a Computer-Aided Translation Typing System", Embedded Machine Translation Systems - Workshop II held in conjunction with NAACL/ANLP2000, Seattle, Washington, pp. 46-51, may, 2000. postscript
Lapalme, G., G. Foster, and P. Langlais, "La programmation orientée-objet pour le développement de modèles de langages", Langages et Modèles à Objets (LMO), Mont St-Hilaire, Québec, Canada, pp. 139-147, jan, 2000. pdf
Laszlo, M., L. Kosseim, and G. Lapalme, "Goal-driven Answer Extraction", Proceedings of the 9th Text Retrieval Conference (TREC 9), Gaithersburg, Maryland, pp. 452-464, nov, 2000. pdf
Macklovitch, E., M. Simard, and P. Langlais, "TransSearch: A Free Translation Memory on the World Wide Web", Second International Conference On Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), vol. 3, Athens Greece, pp. 1201-1208, jun, 2000. pdf
Macklovitch, E., "La recherche sur les outils d'aide à la traduction au RALI", 68e Congrès de l'ACFAS, Université de Montreal, may, 2000.
Macklovitch, E., and G. Russell, "What's been Forgotten in Translation Memory", AMTA, Cuernavaca, Mexico, 2000. postscript
Nie, J-Y., J. - P. Chevallet, and Y. Chiaramella, Vers la recherche d'information à base de termes, , vol. pp 47-64: K. Chibout, J. Mariani, N. Masson, F. Néel, De Boeck & Larcier, may, 2000. postscript
Nie, J-Y., "CLIR using a Probabilistic Translation Model based on Web Documents", The Eighth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC-8), NIST Special Publication 500-246, pp. 627-232, 2000. pdf
Nie, J-Y., M. Simard, and G. Foster, "Multilingual information retrieval based on parallel texts from the web", Cross-Language Information Retrieval and Evaluation CLEF2000, Lisbon, pp. 188-201, sep, 2000. postscript
Nie, J-Y., and J. Chen, "Building English-Chinese statistical models from semi-structured parallel texts", International conf. On Multilingual Information Processing, Urumqi, China, pp. 224-234, aug, 2000. postscript
Nie, J-Y., J. Gao, J. Zhang, J., and Z. M, "On the use of words and n-grams for Chinese information retrieval", Fifth International Workshop on Information Retrieval with Asian Languages IRAL-2000, Hong Kong, sep, 2000. postscript
Nie, J-Y., and M. Simard, "Multilingual information retrieval based on parallel texts from the web", Cross-Language Information Retrieval and Evaluation, CLEF2000, Lisbon, pp. 188-201, sep, 2000. postscript
Nie, J-Y., M. Simard, and G. Foster, "Multilingual information retrieval based on parallel texts from the Web", CLEF-Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Nb. 2069, Springer, pp. 188-201, sep, 2000.
Ouellet, M., J. Gecsei, and J-Y. Nie, "Discovering Internet resources to enrich a structured personal information space", RIAO, Paris, pp. 1450-1463, apr, 2000. postscript
Rabhi, F. A., G. Lapalme, and A. Y. Zomaya, "A functional design framework for genetic algorithms", Trends in Functional Programming Trends: Intellect Books, pp. 115-124, 2000.
Ren, F., and J-Y. Nie, "Sensitive Words and their application in Chinese Language Processing", The Third International Workshop on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE, Brno, Czech Republic Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Number 1902, pp. 121-126, sep, 2000.
Saggion, H., and G. Lapalme, "Selective Analysis for the automatic generation of summaries", Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization – Proceedings of the Sixth International ISKO Conference, Toronto, International Society of Knowledge Organization, pp. 176–181, jul, 2000.
Saggion, H., and G. Lapalme, "Selective Analysis for Automatic Abstracting: Evaluating Indicativeness and Acceptability", Proceedings of Content-Based Multimedia Information Access (RIAO), Paris, France, pp. 747-764, apr, 2000. pdf
Saggion, H., and G. Lapalme, "Concept Identification and Presentation in the Context of Technical Text Summarization", Automatic Summarization - Workshop held in conjunction with NAACL/ANLP2000, Seattle, Washington, pp. 1-10, apr, 2000. pdf
Saggion, H., Génération automatique de résumés par analyse sélective, : Université de Montreal, 2000. pdf
Salah, A., R. Dssouli, G. Lapalme, and D. Vincent, "Vers un Environnement de Création de Services Fondé sur les Scénarios Enrichis", Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles, France, pp. 199-214, 2000.
Simard, M., G. Foster, M. - L. Hannan, E. Macklovitch, and P. Plamondon, Bilingual Text Alignment: Where Do We Draw The Line?, , Botley, Simon Philip, Anthony M. Mcenery et Andrew Wilson: Multilingual Corpora In Teaching And Research. Éditions Rodopi, Language and Computers series 22, Amsterdam/Atlanta, GA, 2000.
