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Nie, J-Y., J. - P. Chevallet, and Y. Chiaramella, "Vers la recherche d'information à base de termes", 1er Journées Scientifiques et Techniques FRANCIL, Avignon, apr, 1997.
Nie, J-Y., "Using terminology bases for term-based information retrieval", Recherche d?Information Assistée par Ordinateur (RIAO), pp. 85-100, 1997.
Saggion, H., "Automatic Abstracting; towards a Text Based Generation", ESSLLI'97 - Workshop on Natural Language Generation (France), 1997. postscript
Coelho, E., G. Lapalme, and V. L. Patel, "From KADS Models to Operational Problem-Solving Methods: Perspectives in the Domain View", Knowledge Engineering: Modeling Languages, Paris, pp. 13 pages, jan, 1996.
Coelho, E., and G. Lapalme, "Describing Reusable Problem-Solving Methods with an Ontology of Roles", Knowledge Acquisition Workshop 96, Banff, SRDG Publications, pp. 20 pages, jan, 1996.
Fasciano, M., and G. Lapalme, "Postgraphe: a System for the Generation of Statistical Graphics and Text", Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Natural Language Generation (INLG-96), Herstmonceux, Sussex, UK, pp. 51-60, jun, 1996. pdf
Fasciano, M., and G. Lapalme, "Génération intégrée de texte et de graphiques statistiques", Traitement automatique du francais écrit, no. 86: ACFAS, pp. 175–196, 1996. pdf
Fasciano, M., Génération intégrée de textes et de graphiques statistiques, : Université de Montréal, 1996. pdf
Foster, G., P. Isabelle, and P. Plamondon, "Word Completion: A First Step Toward Target-Text Mediated IMT", Proceedings of COLING-96, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 394-399, 1996. postscript
Gagnon, M., and G. Lapalme, "From Conceptual Time to Linguistic Time", Computational Linguistics, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 91–127, mar, 1996. pdf
Gagnon, M., and G. Lapalme, "Prétexte: a Generator for the Expression of Temporal Information", Trends in Natural Language Generation, An Artificial Intelligence Perspective, no. 1036: Springer-Verlag, pp. 238–259, 1996. pdf
Isabelle, P., "The State of Machine Translation in 1996", Invited report prepared for the National Research Council of the U.S.A, 1996. postscript
Isabelle, P., M. Dymetman, G. Foster, J. - M. Jutras, E. Macklovitch, F. Perrault, F. Ren, and M. Simard, Traitement automatique du français écrit, , Montréal, Les cahiers scientifiques. Acfas, pp. 211-240, jun, 1996.
Kosseim, L., A. Tutin, R. Kittredge, and G. Lapalme, "Generating Grammatical and Lexical Anaphora in Assembly Instructional Texts", Trends in Natural Language Generation, An Artificial Intelligence Perspective, no. 1036: Springer-Verlag, pp. 260–276, 1996.
Kosseim, L., "Génération de structures sémantiques et rhétoriques dans les textes procéduraux", Workshop Le texte procédural: texte, action et cognition, Mons, France, 1996. pdf
Kosseim, L., A. Tutin, R. Kittredge, and G. Lapalme, "Generating Grammatical and Lexical Anaphora in Assembly Instructional Texts", Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence: Trends in Natural Language Generation, An Artificial Intelligence Perspective no. 1036, Springer. Berlin, pp. 260-275, 1996. pdf
Lapalme, G., Les travaux en génération de texte à l'Université de Montréal, , jan, 1996.
Macklovitch, E., "Peut-on vérifier automatiquement la cohérence terminologique?", META, vol 41, no. 3., 1996. postscript
Macklovitch, E., "Les dictionnaires bilingues en-ligne et le poste de travail du traducteur", Les dictionnaires bilingues,H. Béjoint et P. Thoiron (éds.), AUPELF-UREF, Éditions Duculot, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique, 1996.
Macklovitch, E., and M-L. Hannan, "Line'Em Up: Advances In Alignment Technology And Their Impact on Translation Support Tools", Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA-96), Montréal, Québec., 1996. postscript
Malenfant, J., G. Lapalme, and J. Vaucher, "ObjVProlog-D: Distributed Object-Oriented Programming in Logic", Object-Oriented Systems, Chapmann and Hall publishers, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 61–86, jun, 1996.
Multiple, "Actes des Journées francophones des langages applicatifs (JFLA-96)", Collection Didactique, no. 15: INRIA, pp. 279, jan, 1996.
Nie, J-Y., F. Ren, and M. Brisebois, "On Chinese word segmentation and word-based text retrieval", International Conference on Chinese Computing, Singapore, pp. 405-412, jun, 1996.
Nie, J-Y., and M. Brisebois, "An inferential approach to information retrieval and its implementation using a manual thesaurus", Artificial Intelligence Review, vol. 10, pp. 409-439, 1996.
Nie, J-Y., F. Ren, and M. Brisebois, "On Chinese text retrieval", Research and development on information retrieval - 19th ACM-SIGIR conference, Zurich, pp. 225-233, aug, 1996.
