A Corpus-Based Approach to Evaluating Student Translations

Lynne Bowker

Dublin City University École de traduction et d'interprétation (Université d'Ottawa)

Le 12 avril 2000 à 11 h 30

Salle 3195, Pavillon André-Aisenstadt

Evaluation is one of the most challenging areas in the discipline of translation studies because the notion of quality has fuzzy and shifting boundaries. In an academic setting, evaluators have an obligation to be objective and constructive, but this can be difficult if the evaluator is not an expert in the subject matter of the translation. Translator trainers therefore require some type of resource that can be used to help them assess and provide accurate and objective feedback on student translations in a variety of highly specialized subject fields. This talk will address the issues involved in the design, construction and testing of an Evaluation Corpus.

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