Novalist: Content reduction for Cross-media Browsing

Wessel Kraaij,

TNO ICT, Delft, The Netherlands

Le 11 janvier 2005 à 11 h 30

Salle 3195, Pavillon André-Aisenstadt

In my talk I will discuss the Novalist news browser developed at TNO as a follow-up to experiments in the domain of topic detection and tracking (TDT), video indexing and automatic summarization. Novalist was built in order to experiment with the integration of a number of tools for the disclosure of multimedia news content via a flexible and multifaceted browser. Novalist covers a wide range functionalities, including clustering, classification, extraction of headlines and proper names, indexing and summarization. They each contribute to the presentation of content in a reduced form to support efficient navigation and selection. I will particularly address the clustering system and the metadata extraction architecture. The presentation includes a demonstration with a dataset of Dutch news sources.

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