Translation of Words in Context

Éric Wehrli

LATL-Département de linguistique Université de Genève

Le 9 octobre 2003 à 11 h 30

Pavillon André-Aisenstadt, local 6214

TWiC is an on-line word and expression translation system which uses a powerful parser to (i) properly identify the relevant lexical units,(ii) retrieve the base form of the selected word and (iii) recognize the presence of a multiword expression (compound, idiom, collocation)the selected word may be part of. The conjunction of state-of-the-art natural language parsing, multiword expression identification and large bilingual databases provides a powerful and effective tool for people who want to read on-line material in a foreign language which they are not completely fluent in. A full prototype version of TWiC has been completed for the English-French pair of languages.

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