On Evaluating Bilingual Lexicon Induction
Martin Laville (Martin (point) Laville <at> univ-nantes (point) fr
LS2N, Université de Nantes
Le 25 mai 2022 à 11 h 30
Réunion Zoom, voir http://rali.iro.umontreal.ca/rali/seminaire-virtuel
** La présentation sera donnée en français **
With numerous new methods proposed recently, the evaluation of Bilingual Lexicon Induction have been quite hazardous and inconsistent across works. Some studies proposed some guidance to sanitize this; yet, they are not necessarily followed by practitioners. In this study, we try to gather these different recommendations and add our owns, with the aim to propose an unified evaluation protocol. We further show that the easiness of a benchmark while being correlated to the proximity of the language pairs being considered, is even more conditioned on the graphical similarities within the test word pairs.
Enregistrement : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PXN8RAi1BRXvqvtvfxBsn4moj82i9Mcj/view?usp=sharing
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