What do you do ? A cooperative classification problem for insurance purposes

William Lechelle (william (point) lechelle <at> gmail (point) com)

Le 20 septembre 2017 à 11 h 30

Salle 3195, Pavillon André-Aisenstadt

The Co-operators is a large Canadian insurance company. To serve a client with the adequate insurance policy, they have to determine what is his type of business, a classification task. What to input to this classification process is our variable : ideally, clients would be able to classify themselves into the activity codes taxonomy, by simply answering a handful of questions about their activities, equipment, practices, clients, business size, etc. In a recent CRM workshop about industrial problems (including that of The Co-operators), we proposed two complementary solutions to this problem, respectively based on a soft decision tree, and a search engine using free-text queries. We implemented bare-bones systems and got feedback on them from a business expert. We will mention the many ways in which both systems could be improved, not least using clients data to which we didn't have access.

NB: La présentation sera donnée en français

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