Conversational Search: Advances and New Frontiers

Fengran Mo (fengran (point) mo <at> umontreal (point) ca)


Le 4 décembre 2024 à 11 h 30

Réunion Zoom, voir

Search engines have become indispensable in everyday life. With the rapid advancements in AI and NLP technologies, particularly large language models (LLMs), search engines have evolved to support more intuitive and intelligent interactions between users and systems. Conversational search, an emerging paradigm for next-generation search engines, leverages natural language dialogue to facilitate complex and precise information retrieval. Unlike traditional keyword-based search engines, conversational search systems enhance user experience by supporting intricate queries, maintaining context over multi-turn interactions, and providing robust information integration and processing capabilities. In this presentation, we will talk about the recent advance and new frontiers of the development in conversational search.

Enregistrement :

Fengran Mo is a third-year PhD student in RALI lab, University of Montreal, supervised by Professor Jian-Yun Nie. His research interests focus on information retrieval and natural language processing, especially conversational search, multilingual NLP, retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), etc. He has published 20+ papers on top-tier conference and journal and received Best Paper Award Nominations in WWW 2023 and Resource Paper Award in EMNLP 2024.

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