A discourse on Discourse: Where we are and where we can go

Nelson Filipe Costa (nelsonfilipe (point) costa <at> mail (point) concordia (point) ca)

U. Concordia

Le 10 avril 2024 à 11 h 30

Salle 3195, Pavillon André-Aisenstadt — Diffusion simultanée sur Zoom

I will be presenting an overview on discourse with a focus on the PDTB and RST frameworks. I will explain the evolution of discourse over the recent years as well as motivate my work on mapping discourse relations between one framework to another (more precisely from the PDTB 3.0 corpus to the RST-DT corpus) and on a novel approach to the open problem of implicit discourse relation recognition by using multiple labels to account for a more humanlike interpretation of discourse relations between implicit arguments.

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