JSrealB-IDE - Help

The goal of this page is to help creating a JSrealB expression and perform some demos. It facilitates entering a Javascript expression corresponding to a JSrealB expression and it displays the corresponding realisation and syntactic tree. It is also possible to consult dictionaries and conjugation tables.

The screen is divided vertically in two parts. It is possible to change the proportion of the screen allotted to each by dragging the vertical line that separates them.

Window embedding the Javascript ACE editor which allows entering a JSrealB expression. If the browser implements local storage, the last expression and language generated is saved between sessions.
Beware: the tree and realisation displayed on the right is the result of the last Javascript expression. The Javascript code is evaluated with eval and can make use of variables and function defined before in the same code. Use ctrl-/ (CMD-/ on Mac) to toggle comments on the selection or comment using /* and */.
Keyboard shortcuts for ACE.
This part is itself horizontally separated in two parts by dragging the bar between them.
Syntactic tree corresponding to the expression of the left part of the screen. Clicking on a node of the tree shows the realisation of the subtree having this node as root and values of properties coming from the children (this is quite useful for debugging). The realisation of the whole tree is shown in the text field above the tree.
Resource query by typing a regular expression in the text field and selecting the language and the type of resource in the menus.
Shows all dictionary entries corresponding to the regular expression. The resulting table displays the category and the conjugation or declination table number. Clicking on the entry of the table, we can get the JSON code corresponding to the entry. This is useful to create new dictionary entries similar to existing ones. Clicking on a table number, the content of the table is displayed.
conjugation number
shows the conjugation table corresponding to the number
conjugation ending
shows the conjugation tables whose ending matches what is given in the text field
declination number
shows the declination table corresponding to the number
declination ending
shows the declination tables whose ending matches what is given in the text field

Have fun realising! - Guy Lapalme