Format of a *jsRealB* lexicon =========================== The information in the lexicons of *jsRealB* was originally converted from an internal Lisp inspired format developed at RALI many years ago. The JSON lexicons were originally created using a Python script and then manually _patched_  and updated over the years with a few fields as new information became available. The declension or conjugation information is associated with tables, defined in the files `rule-en.js` and `rule-fr.js`, that cover most English and French use cases. We now give the [json-rnc]( "GitHub - rali-udem/json-rnc: JSON validation with a RELAX-NG compact syntax") schema used to validate the entries of the English lexicon. The [schema for the French lexicon](./ differs slightly in some field names and values, but its overall shape is similar. A lexicon is a single JSON object whose keys are the lemma and the value is itself another object of type `lexInfo` with information about allowed parts of speech for this lemma; at least one part of speech object must be defined. The object associated with each part of speech list allowed values for different fields giving declension or conjugation information. # Schema (`data/lexicon-en.jsonrnc`) ```json start = {*:lexInfo} lexInfo={N?: {tab:/n(I|\d{1,3}a?)/, g?:gender, hAn?:one, cnt:/yes|no|both/,ldv?:boolean }, A?: {tab:/[a](I|\d{1,2})/, hAn?:one, ldv?:boolean}, Pro?:{tab:/pn\d{1,2}(-\d[sp]?[mfn]?)?|d[35]/,ldv?:boolean}, V?: {tab:/v\d{1,3}/,ldv?:boolean}, D?: {tab:/d\d{1,2}/, n?:num, value?:number,ldv?:boolean}, Adv?:{tab:/b\d/,ldv?:boolean}, P?: {tab:/ppe?/,ldv?:boolean}, C?: {tab:/cs|cc/,ldv?:boolean}, Q?: {tab:/av/}, Pc?: {tab:[/pc[145678]/], compl?:string}, ldv?:boolean, value?:number }@(minProperties=1) one = number@(minimum=1, maximum=1) oneTwoThree = number@(minimum=1, maximum=3) gender = /m|f|x/ num = /s|p/ ``` * The `string` associated with the `tab` key must be a declension or conjugation table number in `rule-en.js` * Gender (`g`) and number (`n`) can only take a limited set of values; * For determiner and adjective, `value` is the numerical value associated either with a cardinal or an ordinal number respectively; * When `hAn` is 1 for a noun or adjective, this word changes a preceding _a_ to _an_; * For noun, `cnt` indicates if a noun is countable: `yes`, `no` or `both`. * In the case of `punct`, `compl` is the complementary punctuation sign, e.g. matching closing parenthesis or bracket. * An indication of a _common_ word in a lexicon either at a the level of an entry or for a given part-of-speech. The `ldv` attribute is set to `true` if the entry appears in the [_Longman American Defining Vocabulary_.]( Query lexicons using `jq` ======================== To query information from these lexicons, the easiest way is through the [IDE](../IDE/) or the [evaluation demo](../demos/Evaluation/index.html). But it is also possible to use [jq]( "jq") to query these json lexicons. Here are a few examples of queries: - Search a specific entry: here `love` `jq 'to_entries[]|select(.key=="love")' lexicon-en.json` - Search entries matching are regular expression: here entries starting with `love`, `-c` for a more compact output `jq -c 'to_entries[]|select(.key|test("^love.*"))' lexicon-en.json` - Search for a combination of properties: entries ending with `er` that can be used either as a noun, a verb or an adjective, but show only the entry; `-r` to show the entries without surrounding quotes `jq -r 'to_entries[]|select((.key|test("er$")) and (.value|has("N")) and (.value|has("V")) and (.value|has("A")))|.key' lexicon-en.json` # Validation ## Using the [`jsonrnc` validator]( ```swift .../ --slurp lexicon-en.jsonrnc lexicon-en.json .../ --slurp lexicon-fr.jsonrnc lexicon-fr.json ``` This also creates a standard [JSON Schema]( which can be used in other contexts. ## Use the JSON validator in Visual Studio Code This is useful for adding new lexicon entries . Add the following to the `settings.json` configuration file. This uses the JSON Schema created by the previous validation process. ```json "json.schemas": [ {"fileMatch": ["/Users/lapalme/Documents/GitHub/jsRealB/data/lexicon-en.json"], "url": "./data/lexicon-en.jsonrnc.json"}, {"fileMatch": ["/Users/lapalme/Documents/GitHub/jsRealB/data/lexicon-fr.json"], "url": "./data/lexicon-fr.jsonrnc.json"} ] ``` Contact: [Guy Lapalme]( [RALI](, Université de Montréal, 2024.