The input of the application is set of meteorological information (e.g., precipitations, temperature, wind, UV index, ...) provided by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC). Unlike usual data-to-text applications, this information is machine generated: it is created by a numerical weather model which outputs data for ranges of hours after the time the bulletin is expected to be issued. ECCC emits three regular bulletins each day (morning, midday and evening) for hundreds of regions of Canada. A bulletin gives the predictions for the current day or evening and the next day. These bulletins are generated in both English and French.
Here is an example of an evening bulletin realized by jsRealB in English and French.
Forecasts issued by jsRealB on Wednesday, July 18, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. for today and tomorrow.
The next scheduled forecasts will be issued on Thursday, July 19, 2018 at 5:30 a.m.
Armstrong - Auden - Wabakimi Park
Nakina - Aroland - Pagwa
Tonight : Clear. A few clouds. Partly cloudy. 30 percent chance of
showers. Wind west 20 km/h around noon. Becoming southwest in the
evening. Low 14, with temperature rising to 28 by morning.
Thursday : Mainly sunny. Increasing cloudiness tomorrow morning.
Mainly cloudy. 30 percent chance of showers. Wind southwest 20 km/h.
High 28. Low 15. UV index 8 or very high.
Thursday night : Mainly cloudy. 30 percent chance of showers. Wind
southwest 20 km/h. Low 14, with temperature rising to 23 by morning.
Prévisions émises par jsRealB le mercredi 18 juillet 2018 à 16 h 0 pour aujourd'hui et demain.
Les prochaines prévisions seront émises le jeudi 19 juillet 2018 à 5 h 30.
Armstrong - Auden - parc Wabakimi
Nakina - Aroland - Pagwa
Ce soir et cette nuit : Dégagé. Quelques nuages. Partiellement
couvert. 30 pour cent de probabilité d'averses. Vents de l'ouest de
20 km/h vers midi. Devenant du sud-ouest dans la soirée. Minimum 14,
températures à la hausse pour atteindre 28 en matinée.
Jeudi : Généralement ensoleillé. Ennuagement demain matin.
Généralement nuageux. 30 pour cent de probabilité d'averses. Vents du
sud-ouest de 20 km/h. Maximum 28. Minimum 15. Indice UV 8 ou très
Jeudi soir et nuit : Généralement nuageux. 30 pour cent de probabilité
d'averses. Vents du sud-ouest de 20 km/h. Minimum 14, températures à
la hausse pour atteindre 23 en matinée.
For the purpose of this demo, we extracted a subset of the global information for regions of Ontario and Québec for 2018 and 2019 which is nevertheless illustrative of the natural language generation problems encountered in this context. We converted the Meteocode, an internal data format of ECCC, to JSON in which time indications are shifted, so that they appear in local time while, in the original, they were in UTC.
This demonstration program does not try to reproduce verbatim the output of the system used by ECCC because we highly simplified it for didactic purposes. Our goal is to illustrate a use of the jsRealB realizer in an interesting context, in fact, weather information is one of the most successful real-life applications of Natural Language Generation (NLG).
This document outlines the organization of the system and should be read in conjunction with the Python source code on the RALI GitHub. Only excerpts are shown here to emphasize the aspects of the text generation that are more challenging. We take for granted that the reader can understand Python code and is familiar with the constituent notation used as input for jsRealB.
One advantage of using jsRealB is to allow a clear separation between What to say and How to say it through the use of syntactic constructions that can be built incrementally by program and easily parameterized. The syntactic patterns are then realized and formatted into syntactically correct English and French taking care of subject-verb agreements, verb conjugation, noun declension and proper spacing between punctuation.
Internally, the notation used as input specification calls Python class constructors. The Python data structure built by these calls are then serialized into JSON for realization by a jsRealB server written in Javascript. But this mechanism is transparent for the user who only has to focus on the specification.
For example, the following Python expression creates a data structure which is realized using str()
to produce
Flurries begin in the morning, amount 2 feet.
S(N("flurry").n("p"), # type of precipitation
VP(V("begin").t("p"), # action
CP(PP(P("in"),NP(D("the"),N("morning")))), # moment of action
NP(N("amount"),NP(NO("2"),N("foot"))))) # quantity
The notation mimics the conventional constituent syntactic notation for syntactic trees for phrases such as S
for sentence, VP
for Verb Phrase, etc. or terminals such as N
for Noun, V
for verbs, etc. The dot notation is used for modifiers (n
for number, t
for tense). See the jsRealB tutorial and documentation for more details.
As can be seen in this example, each word is specified with its lemma, i.e. the basic form found in a dictionary. The realization process takes care of the grammatical details which are nevertheless important for readers: plural forms, verb conjugation, agreement between the subject and the verb and between a number and the noun, proper punctuation between parts of a coordination, if present.
It might be argued that the jsRealB
notation is more verbose than the realized sentence, but this expression can be modularized into a function with parameters that can be called in different contexts to produce many grammatically correct variations. For example, the above example can be abstracted into the following function:
def pcpn(type,action,tense,moment,quantity=None,unit=None):
return S(type,
None if quantity==None else NP(N("amount"),NP(NO(quantity),unit)))))
which can be called in various ways, as is shown in this table (the first line is equivalent to our example):
pcpn(N("flurry").n("p"),"begin","p","morning",2,N("foot")) |
Flurries begin in the morning, amount 2 feet. |
pcpn(N("rain"),"begin","f","evening",10,"mm") |
Rain begins in the evening, amount 1 inch. |
pcpn(N("snow"),"stop","pr","evening"),"en") |
Snow stopping in the evening. |
pcpn(NP(V("freeze").t("pr"),N("drizzle")),"start","f","morning") |
Freezing drizzle will start in the morning. |
In a way, the jsRealB notation might be viewed as an intelligent formatting specification language that can not only format strings and numbers, but which also takes care of grammatical features that are essential for producing publication quality texts. As we will show later, jsRealB can also realize French sentences when the appropriate French lemma are given. It can also deal with the proper wording of numbers and dates. Although not shown here, jsRealB can also produce HTML tags so that it can be embedded in web pages, the jsRealB demos shows many use cases of HTML formatting combined with graphics. It is even possible to realize bilingual texts in which some parts are in English and others in French.
We now outline the JSON data organization for a given weather bulletin used as input for our demonstration program in terms of Python data structures:
: issue datetime
, next-issue datetime
: list of English region names to which the forecast appliesnames-fr
: list of French region names to which the forecast appliesweather information : list of values of which the first two are the starting hour and ending hour relative to 0h of the issue datetime, when they are negative, they refer to historical data; the other values (described below depending on the type of information). For precipitation-type
and wind
, a value can be a list of values which describes an exceptional phenomenon (e.g., gust within a wind period) that occurs during this period.
: e.g. rain, snow, ...;precipitation-accumulation
: type (e.g., rain, snow), amount (in cm for snow
or mm for rain
) precipitation-probability
: type (e.g. rain, snow), value of prob in percentagesky-cover
: sky cover between 0 (no cover) and 10 (full cover) temperatures
: values of temperature in Celsiusuv-index
: value between 0 and 10 of UV indexwind
: speed of the windauxiliary information for the purpose of the demo
: original bulletin in English to ease comparison of generated text with the issued forecastfr
: original bulletin in French to ease comparison of generated text with the issued forecastid
: id of the original data, to ease debugging of the data conversion
)This demonstration program is a data-to-text application that generates bilingual (English and French) weather bulletins. The core of the data manipulation and text organization is in Python and the final text realization is performed by jsRealB.
As shown in the sample given above, a weather bulletin is composed of standardized block of information some of which are created using simple format statements (communication_header
and end_statement
), but others (title_block
and forecast_text
) must be generated, because they use more complex constructions of natural language text. All these functions return a string that can be split over many lines, if it is too long or None
in which case it is ignored in the output.
def generate_bulletin(wInfo,lang):
return "\n".join(line for line in text if line!=None)
To illustrate interesting NLG issues, we describe forecast_text
which creates 3 paragraphs for each forecasting period. A paragraph starts with the name of the period (which will be explained later) and then the text realized by forecast_period
. The string is formatted similarly to the original bulletin.
def forecast_text(wInfo,lang):
for period in wInfo.get_periods():
if lang=="en" : wInfo.show_data(period)
+" : "+forecast_period(wInfo, period, lang)
,width=70,subsequent_indent=" ")
return "\n".join(paragraphs)
A period is described as a list of sentences dealing with different weather aspects when they are relevant according to the data for the given period: conditions of the sky (clear, cloudy, etc.), precipitations (quantity of snow or rain), wind (direction and speed), temperature (levels, variations within the period) and the value of the UV index. When the data is not relevant for the period, these functions return None
which is ignored in the final realization.
def forecast_period(wInfo,period,lang):
sents=filter(lambda l:l!=None,[
sky_condition(wInfo, period, lang),
precipitation(wInfo, period, lang),
wind(wInfo, period, lang),
temperature(wInfo, period, lang),
uv_index(wInfo, period, lang)
return " ".join(sents)
For realization, these functions use jsRealB templates for each type of information. The templates are defined using the Python API for jaRealB. We now give a detailed example of such generation template and how it is used for realizing a string in either French or English.
)As modifications to a data structure are permanent, it is important to create a new data structure at each use. The simplest way to achieve this is to create a function (e.g., a lambda
in Python) that returns a new structure at each call. The following shows a dict
to realize in English and French a period of the day depending on the hour (e.g., morning
or matinée
when the hour is between 9 and 12 excluded).
dayPeriods=[(0,5, {"en":lambda:NP(N("night")),
(5,9, {"en":lambda:NP(Adv("early"),N("morning")),
(9,12, {"en":lambda:NP(N("morning")),
This dict
is used in the following function:
def jsrDayPeriod(hour,lang):
for (s,e,jsrExp) in dayPeriods:
if hour in range(s,e):
if isTomorrow:
return exp.add(N("tomorrow" if lang=="en" else "demain"),0)
elif s!=18:
return exp.add(D("this" if lang=="en" else "ce"),0)
which searches the appropriate period to create the corresponding expression a NP
in this case to which is added tomorrow
in French) when the hour is greater than 23 or this
in French) for the current day. This results in NP(D("this"),N("morning"))
which is realized as this morning
. This organization is quite typical for generating bilingual templates.
An alternative way of expressing time with a day is the following which returns a new expression at each call:
def jsrHour(h,lang):
if h in range(0,6):
return PP(P("during"),NP(D("the"),N("night"))) if lang=="en" else \
if h in range(6,11):
return PP(P("in"),NP(D("the"),N("morning"))) if lang=="en" else \
if h in range(11,14):
return PP(P("around"),N("noon")) if lang=="en" else \
if h in range(14,18):
return PP(P("in"),NP(D("the"),N("afternoon"))) if lang=="en" else \
if h in range(18,24):
return PP(P("in"),NP(D("the"),N("evening"))) if lang=="en" else \
A jsRealB expression is realized using the following function which specifies the realization language and if it should be wrapped in a S
to be considered as a complete sentence which will ensure proper capitalization and a full stop at the end.
def realize(jsrExpr,lang,addS=True):
if addS and not isinstance(jsrExpr,S):
return jsRealB(jsrExpr.set_lang(lang).pp())
The last line sets the realization language and pp()
creates a JSON serialization string passed as parameter to the jsRealB
function which calls the jsRealB server and returns the realized string.
)The WeatherInfo
class gives access to the content of the JSON file. Its constructor reads the JSON file from which is extracted a list of WeatherTerm
instances having three fields: start
hour, end
hour and infos
a list of values. The list of terms only contains terms that intersect the appropriate period according to the following table:
issue_time_to_periods = {
For example, in an evening
bulletin, for the tomorrow
period only terms that have an ending time greater or equal than 30 and a starting time less than 42 are returned. If a given information is not found or if not values intersect the given range, None
is returned.
For the tomorrow period of the above bulletin, these terms can be visualized as follows:
tomorrow ( +6h,+18h) :: fpto12-2018-07-18-2000-r1209c :: 2018-07-18 16:00:00
precipitation-type : [+15h,⧺0h):[showers, [+15h,⧺0h):[thunderstorm]]
precipitation-probability : [+5h,+15h):[10], [+15h,+18h):[30]
sky-cover : [+5h,+11h):[2, 2], [+11h,+15h):[2, 8], [+15h,+18h):[8, 8]
temperatures : [+5h,+8h):[15], [+8h,+11h):[23], [+11h,+14h):[28], [+14h,+17h):[25], [+17h,+20h):[23]
uv-index : [+12h,+14h):[7.7]
wind : [+0h,+12h):[sw, speed, 10], [+12h,+20h):[sw, speed, 20]
The semi-open time intervals are indicated by hour modulo 24 prefixed with + for the next day and ⧺ for the day after tomorrow. The first line give the period name, its time interval, its id and the issue time. Then are given the (non None
) field names with the terms with time intervals that intersect the period interval. Each term is shows with its time interval followed by its lists of values, some of which can be terms themselves (e.g. thunderstorm
in precipitation-type
Access to the information in WeatherInfo
is performed with functions such as the following which returns only relevant terms for the period:
def get_precipitation_probabilities(self,period):
if "precipitation-probability" not in return None
return self.select_terms(period,["precipitation-probability"])
)This indicates the general weather conditions, such as :
Mainly sunny. Increasing cloudiness tomorrow morning.
Généralement ensoleillé. Ennuagement demain matin.
Different ways of realizing sky conditions are given in the following table: condition is associated with a pair whose first component expresses this condition during the day and the second during the night. For example, no cover will correspond to sunny
during the day, but clear
during the night. If only one value is given for the tuple, then the first value is always used; e.g., cloudy
is used for both the day and the night. As these expressions are never modified, there is no need to enclose them in a lambda
sky_condition_terminology = { ## types of sky conditions
This table is used in the context of the following function which loops over the sky cover terms and depending on the values of the sky covering at the start and end of the period, determine the appropriate expression to use. Some care is taken not to repeat the same expression for different terms. All jsRealB expressions are added to a list whose elements are realized and concatenated. If the name of the period
is today
or tomorrow
, the first element of the tuple is chosen otherwise the second is used.
def sky_condition(mc,period,lang):
def addNoRepeat(c,dn,period=None): # avoid generating same sentence twice
if c not in previous_conditions:
if len(sky_condition_terminology[c][lang])==1:dn=0
if period!=None:jsrExpr.add(period)
if sc_terms==None: return None
for sc_term in sc_terms:
valEnd =sc_term.infos[1]
dayNight = 0 if period in ["today","tomorrow"] else 1
if valStart==valEnd:
if valStart in [0,1]:
elif valStart in [0,1,2,3] and valEnd in [7,8,9,10]:
return " ".join(realize(jsrExpr,lang) for jsrExpr in jsrExprs)
)For information about rain or snow, for example:
30 percent chances of showers ending during the night.
30 pour cent de probabilités d'averses finissant durant la nuit.
The French and English realizations of the many precipitation types are given in a table.
precipitationTypes = {
"blowing-snow" :{"en":NP(V("blow").t("pr"),N("snow")),
A precipitation amount is realized when the probability, in increments of 10%, is between 30% and 70%, but different than 50%. When it is 80% or more, the beginning or ending is given. The amount is given when it is significant (at least 2 cm of snow or at least 25 mm of rain). Only probability terms that are more than 30% are realized.
def precipitation(wInfo,period,lang):
for prob_term in prob_terms:
if type_term!=None and prob_val>=30: # interesting precipitation
if prob_val <= 70 and prob_val!=50: # show probability
if lang=="en":
prob=NP(NO(prob_val),Q("pour cent"),P("de"),N("probabilité"),P("de"))
else: # probability >= 80%
prob=None # indicate beginning or ending
if wInfo.is_in_period(start,period):
timePeriod=VP(V("begin" if lang=="en" else "débuter").t("pr"),jsrHour(start%24,lang))
elif wInfo.is_in_period(end,period):
timePeriod=VP(V("end" if lang=="en" else "finir").t("pr"),jsrHour(end%24,lang))
if amount_term!=None: # check for significant amount
if pcpnType=="rain" and amount>=25:
elif pcpnType=="snow" and amount>=2:
if jsrAmount!=None:
if lang=="en":
return " ".join(realize(jsrExpr,lang) for jsrExpr in jsrExprs)
)Information about the wind speed and directions are realized such as the following:
Wind west around noon. Becoming southwest in the evening.
Vents de l'ouest vers midi. Devenant du sud-ouest dans la soirée.
Wind direction realizations are given in a table with the corresponding compass degree which used to compute significant wind directions changes.
jsrWindDirection = {
"e": {"en":Adv("east"), "fr":NP(D("le"),N("est")), "deg":90},
"n": {"en":Adv("north"), "fr":NP(D("le"),N("nord")), "deg":0},
"sw": {"en":Adv("southwest"), "fr":NP(D("le"),N("sud-ouest")), "deg":225},
# find the difference between compass directions
def dir_diff(dir1,dir2):
Wind terms are scanned to realize the ones with wind speed of more than 15 km/h. When a wind speed changes by more than 20 km/h or if it changes direction then an appropriate realization is emitted. If a gust is detected during the period, it is also expressed. The expression is built incrementally by starting with an empty S()
to which an NP
and possibly a VP
or an indication of the time are added.
def wind(wInfo,period,lang):
if wind_terms==None:return None
for wind_term in wind_terms:
wSpeed = wind_term.infos[2]
wDir= wind_term.infos[0]
jsrExpr=S() # current expression
if wSpeed>=15 and wDir in jsrWindDirection:
if lastSpeed!=None and abs(wSpeed-lastSpeed)>=20: # significant speed change
if lang=="en":
elif lastDir!=None and dir_diff(wDir, lastDir): # significant direction change
if lang=="en":
else: # realize wind and direction
if lang=="en":
if len(wind_term.infos)>3: # add gusting information
if gust[2]=='gust':
if lang=="en":
else: # add time information
jsrExprs.append(jsrExpr) # add built expression to the list
return " ".join(realize(jsrExpr,lang,False) for jsrExpr in jsrExprs)
)Temperatures can be described very simply such as:
High 28. Low 15.
Maximum 28. Minimum 15.
or with a trend when there is a significant difference in temperatures: negative change of at least 3°C during the daytime or a positive change of at least 3°C during nighttime:
Temperature rising to 28 by morning.
Températures à la hausse pour atteindre 28 en matinée.
This achieved with this
def temperature(wInfo,period,lang):
if temperature_terms == None : return None
dn= "night" if period in ["tonight","tomorrow_night"] else "day"
# checking for an abnormal temperature trend, either
# positive change of least 3°C during the night
# negative change of last 3°C during the day
(t1,t2,i1)=(maxTemp,minTemp,tempVals.index(minTemp)) if dn=="night" else\
if t1 >= t2+3: # abnormal change time
if i1 <=1 :
return realize(jsrAbnormal[dn]["a"][lang](t1, periodName),lang,False)
if i1 < 6: # abnormality occurs during the first 6 hours of the period
if all([abs(t-t1)<=2 for t in rest]):
# c) remains +/- 2 for the rest of the period
return realize(jsrAbnormal[dn]["c"][lang](t1,periodName),lang,False)
elif any([t-t1>2 for t in rest]):
# d) rises more than 2 for the rest
return realize(jsrAbnormal[dn]["d"][lang](t1,periodName),lang,False)
elif any([t1-t>2 for t in rest]):
# e) falls more than 2 for the rest (this should never happen!!!)
return realize(jsrAbnormal[dn]["e"][lang](t1,periodName),lang,False)
# b) low temperature after the beginning (but no special case)
return realize(jsrAbnormal[dn]["b"][lang](t2,t1),lang,False)
# normal case
if lang=="en": # output maximum temperature
if minTemp < maxTemp-2: # output minimum if it differs significantly from the maximum
if lang=="en":
return " ".join(res)
The value of a temperature is indicated using the conventions of ECCC, add a qualifier plus
when it is less or equal to 5, and minus
when it is below 0:
def jsrTemp(val,lang):
if val==0: return N("zero") if lang=="en" else N("zéro")
if val<0 : return AdvP(A("minus") if lang=="en" else Adv("moins"),NO(abs(val)))
if val<=5 : return AP(A("plus"), NO(val)) if lang=="en" else AdvP(Adv("plus"),NO(val))
return NO(val)
The trend expression is built using the following function:
def temp_trend(lang,trend,goalTemp,when):
if lang=="en":
return S(N("temperature"),
return S(NP(N("température").n("p"),
abnormal situations are encoded using the following table:
jsrAbnormal = {
"en":lambda t,_:temp_trend("en","rise",t,PP(P("by"),N("morning"))),
"fr":lambda t,_:temp_trend("fr","hausse",t,PP(P("en"),N("matinée")))
"en":lambda t,p:temp_trend("en","rise",t,p).add(AdvP(Adv("then"),V("fall").t("pr"))),
"fr":lambda t,p:temp_trend("fr","hausse",t,p).add(PP(P("pour"),Adv("ensuite"),
)UV index information, a number which ranges from a low of zero to a high of 11+, is only given for bulletin during a day period in the following way:
UV index 8 or very high.
Indice UV 8 ou très élevé.
Its realization is simple matter of outputting its rounded value and if it is greater than 0. The English or French realization is obtained by searching a table according to the guidelines of ECCC.
uv_ranges= [(2, {"en":A("low"), "fr":A("bas")}),
(5, {"en":A("moderate"), "fr":A("modéré")}),
(7, {"en":A("high"), "fr":A("élevé")}),
(10, {"en":AP(Adv("very"), A("high")), "fr":AP(Adv("très"),A("élevé"))}),
(1000,{"en":A("extreme"), "fr":A("extrême")})]
def uv_index(wInfo,period,lang):
if period in ["tonight","tomorrow_night"]: # no UV index during the night
return None
if uvi_terms==None:return None
uvVal=uvi_terms[0].infos[0] # consider only the first uvi_term
if uvVal<1: return None # too low
if uvVal==0:return None
for high,expr in uv_ranges:
if uvVal<=high:
return realize(NP(Q("UV index" if lang=="en" else "indice UV"),
NO(uvVal),C("or" if lang=="en" else "ou"),expr[lang]),
return None
This document has shown how to generate bilingual documents from a single source of information using jsRealB using the Python API as the data manipulation is performed in Python. Although the input data and the generated documents are simpler than what would be used in a real-life context, the essential organization of the system should stay the same as the framework is extensible.